DIAS Astronomy & Astrophysics Summer Studentships - close date is 2023-06-16

As part of the DIAS Summer Studentships programme, DIAS Astrophysics is delighted to offer two Summer Studentships to work in the Solar Physics and Space Weather Research Group on the development of our ionospheric detectors (https://www.dunsink.dias.ie/supersid/).

DIAS Astrophysics undertakes research in solar physics, space weather, planetary magnetospheres, star formation, astrophysical jets, massive stars, and high energy astrophysics. DIAS Dunsink Observatory is operated by the section and is a designated European site of historical significance for physics. 

Successful candidates should be in line for a 1st or 2.1 honours degree in Astrophysics, Physics, or a related area, and be completing their undergraduate degree at an Irish higher education institution.

Please apply online here (https://dias.ie/70fT7). 
The application should consist of: 
- CV (max 2 pages)
- Cover letter detailing why the applicant wants to pursue a career in research (max 1 page)
Please upload these two document to the system all one as a PDF file (please do not use other formats).

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday, June 16, 2023. 

At DIAS, we are committed to building an inclusive scientific community, distinguished by scientific excellence, gender balance, and diversity.

This application process is now closed

Denjob v0.2.1 ; Position application web interface.