DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

2021-10-12, 15:00: Prof. Sandra Chapman (University of Warwick)

Prof. Sandra Chapman University of Warwick, UK Quantifying space climate as the statistics of space weather: networks and burst distributions Abstract: Space weather and solar terrestrial physics observations are increasingly becoming a data analytics challenge and there are… Read More

2021-10-05, 15:00: Dr. Stephanie Yardley (UCL)

Dr. Stephanie Yardley University College London, UK The Elusive Sources of Solar Energetic Particles Abstract: Solar energetic particles (SEPs) are accelerated by magnetic reconnection-driven processes during solar flares and by CME-driven shocks. Large gradual SEP events, associated with… Read More

2021-09-27, 15:00: Dr. Alberto Sanna (INAF)

Dr. Alberto Sanna Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari, INAF, Italy Understanding the formation of High-Mass Stars: lessons from G23.01-0.41  Abstract: Stars more massive than ten times our Sun have had major influence on the history and evolution of the Milky… Read More

Elizabeth O’Dwyer

Name: Elizabeth O’Dwyer Title: PhD Student Email: elodwyer@cp.dias.ie Address: School of Cosmic Physics, DIAS Dunsink Observatory, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin 15, Ireland. Biographical Sketch: Elizabeth obtained a BA in Physics & Astrophysics from Trinity College Dublin… Read More

DIAS announces line-up for Culture Night 2021

A virtual tour of the world-renowned Dunsink observatory, exploring how Irish scientists monitor worldwide earthquakes and short talks showcasing the hidden treasures of Celtic literature are among the programme of events being hosted by the Dublin Institute for… Read More

Launch date for James Webb Space Telescope announced

ESA, NASA, and Arianespace have today (8 September 2021) jointly defined 18 December 2021 as the target date for the James Webb Space Telescope to launch into space from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana. Webb is an international… Read More

First detection of peta-electron-Volt photons from the Crab Nebula

The LHAASO observatory in China is opening up a new window on the ultra-high-energy Universe, with unprecedented sensitivity to the highest energy gamma-rays. Recently the collaboration published a paper in Nature, reporting on the detection of 12 sources… Read More

Outdoor astronomy exhibition launched at the DIAS Burlington Road

(05.07.2021) An outdoor exhibition featuring astronomy photographs will hang at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) at 10 Burlington Road, Dublin for the month of July. The original exhibition features 23 images that have been selected from… Read More

2021-07-20, 15:00: Dr. Harish Vedantham (ASTRON)

Dr. Harish Vedantham ASTRON, Netherlands Radio flashes from plasma storms around exoplanets Abstract: Low frequency (< few hundred MHz) radio observations uniquely trace several processes that determine the habitability of exoplanets. Coronal plasma ejections that erode planetary atmospheres… Read More

2021-07-06, 15:00: Dr. Emma Whelan (Maynooth University)

Dr. Emma Whelan Maynooth University, Ireland Searching for an MHD Disk Wind Component via Optical Forbidden Emission Line Spectro-astrometry Abstract: A crucial step in understanding how stars accrete their mass, as well as how disks evolve, is clarifying… Read More