DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

DIAS Research Forum 2019 – 10 May, 3-5pm

An inter-disciplinary research forum has been scheduled for Friday 10 May 2019, 3-5pm at Burlington Road. The forum is intended to be an informal event that provides post-doctoral scholars and PhD students with the opportunity to share and… Read More

What is Life?’ lecture series returns to Dublin after 75 years

The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) has announced details of a public lecture series exploring the famous question – ‘What is Life?’ – which was famously considered by Professor Erwin Schrödinger in 1943. An expert from each… Read More

Celebrating International Women’s Day at DIAS

There is a fantastic legacy of talented female researchers at DIAS. Women who have gone on to excel in their respective fields and achieve remarkable things. In January we honoured one of those women – the late Sheila… Read More

Massive twin star discovered snuggling close to its stellar sibling in its cradle

Astronomers have discovered a binary star system with the closest high-mass young stellar objects ever measured, providing a valuable “laboratory” to test theories on high mass binary star formation. An international team which includes Dr Alessio Caratti o… Read More

M7.0 Peru earthquake, 1st March 2019

A magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred in southern Peru on the 1st March 2019 at 08:50:41 UTC. The event depth is 257km and hence no major damage is expected. For more details please see this post https://www.insn.ie/2019-03-01-m7-0-peru on the… Read More

International team led by DIAS researcher reveal the nature of high energy gamma-rays from superbubbles

The results of the work by an international scientific team led by Dr. Patrick Kavanagh from the School of Cosmic Physics at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies has been published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. The… Read More

New portrait of renowned scientist Sheila Tinney unveiled at Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

A new portrait of the pioneering mathematical physicist Dr. Sheila Tinney was unveiled at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) today (15.01.19).  The son and daughters of the late Dr. Tinney – Hugh, Ethna   and Deirdre Tinney… Read More

Irish National Seismic Network to be upgraded

Geological Survey Ireland and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies are to invest €1.5m to expand and upgrade the Irish National Seismic Network. New funding will result in more stations, greater coverage and more accurate recording of earthquakes in… Read More

DIAS launches ambitious strategy to establish Ireland as “home for intellectual leadership”

Exoplanets, solar storms, the transmission of quantum information,  Earth system change and the development of Celtic languages are amongst the “big questions of the 21st Century and beyond” that will be explored by the Dublin Institute for Advanced… Read More