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Andrew Schaeffer Wins Best Student Talk Prize

At the 2012 Irish Geological Research Meeting (IGRM) that took place at University College Cork on February 17-19, the prize for the best talk by a student was awarded to Andrew Schaeffer, of DIAS Geophysics.  Andrew spoke on… Read More

26 January 2012 – Earthquake in Donegal

This morning at 01:04am, 26th Jan 2012 the INSN seismic station IDGL in Donegal recorded a minor earthquake in the region north of Buncrana. It measured Mag2.2 on the Richter scale and was felt widely throughout the region… Read More

2011-12-01 – Seminar: Prof. Craig Mudge

1 December, 2011, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Speaker: Prof. Craig Mudge, School of Computer Science, Collaborative Cloud Computing Lab., University of Adelaide, AustraliaTitle: Evolving Inversion Methods in Geophysics with Cloud Computing Abstract: Magnetotellurics is a geophysics technique… Read More

2011-11-23 – Seminar: Stephane Rodenay

23 November, 2011, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Speaker: Stephane Rodenay, University of Bergen, NorwayTitle: A seismological perspective on water in subduction zones Abstract: Subduction zones transport water into the Earth’s interior. The subsequent release of this water… Read More

Tom Blake Invited Speaker – ADLE Conference

The Analogue Devices Limerick Engineering Conference,  invited Mr Tom Blake, of the Geophysics Section, School of Cosmic Phiysics, DIAS, to be their guest speaker at the Conference on 10th November 2011, which was attended by over 400 Research… Read More

Earthquake in Eastern Turkey, 23rd October 2011, 7.2mb

A large earthquake occured in Eastern Turkey, approximately 15km NNE of the town Van.  The death toll from the earthquake is over 500 people. At least 1,600 others were injured in the disaster, officials said.  For the location… Read More

2011-10-12 – Seminar: Bruce Hobbs

12 October, 2011, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Speaker: Bruce Hobbs, MTEM Ltd, Edinburgh, UKTitle: Risk and Reward: MTEM Story Abstract: During an EC research programme and further Ph.D studies, a new method was found to discriminate between… Read More

2011-10-04 – Seminar: Toivo Korja

04 October, 2011 (11am), 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Speaker: Toivo Korja, Oulu University, FinlandTitle: Old, boring, resistive Fennoscandia?

Earthquake swarm on Canary Island, El Hierro

13th October 2011 Underwater Volcanic Eruptions edge closer to Canary Island, El Hierro  Two eruptions take place amidst an unprecedented earthquake swarm in El Hierro. The number of earthquakes recorded since July 17, 2011 on El Hierro has… Read More

2011-08-29 – Seminar: Gavin Menzel-Jones

29 August, 2011 (4pm), 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Speaker: Gavin Menzel-Jones, University of British Columbia, CanadaTitle: Seismoelectric Modelling of the Flux-Normalized P-SV-TM Propagation Mode Abstract: Elastodynamic and electromagnetic processes are coupled together in saturated, porous media, by… Read More