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1994 A Deep Seismic Investigation of Lithospheric Heterogeneity and Anisotropy beneath the Iberian Peninsula

ILIHA DSS GROUP (incl. A.W.B. JACOB), 1994. A Deep Seismic Investigation of Lithospheric Heterogeneity and Anisotropy beneath the Iberian Peninsula. I. G. N. Serie Monografia No. 10: 106-127.

1991 Palaeomagnetic and Mineral Magnetic Studies of Sediment from Ball’s Cavern

READMAN, P.W. etc., 1991. Palaeomagnetic and Mineral Magnetic Studies of Sediment from Ball’s Cavern. Schoharie, USA Earth and Plan. Sci. Letters, g102: 198-212.

1985 Detailed S-wave Structure in the Dublin Basin and its Northern Margin

MURPHY, N.P. and A.W.B. JACOB, 1985. Detailed S-wave Structure in the Dublin Basin and its Northern Margin. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 83, 803-807.

1974 The Donegal Granite – A Gravity Analysis

YOUNG, D.G.G., 1974. The Donegal Granite – A Gravity Analysis. Proc. of the R. I. A., 74, Section B: 63-73.

1962 On the Validity of Boltzmann’s Distribution Law for the Charges of Aerosol Particles in Electrical Equilibrium

POLLAK, L.W. and A. L. METNIEKS, 1962. On the Validity of Boltzmann’s Distribution Law for the Charges of Aerosol Particles in Electrical Equilibrium. Geofisica Pura e Applicata, 53, 111-133.

2009 Subducted slabs and lateral viscosity variations: effects on the long-wavelength geoid

TOSI, N.,CADEK, O., MARTINEC, Z., 2009. Subducted slabs and lateral viscosity variations: effects on the long-wavelength geoid. Geophys. J. Int., 179, 813–826, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04335.x

1957 On F

METNIEKS, A.L., 1957. On F. Verzár’s Photo-electric Automatic Nucleus Counter. (Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Condensation Nuceli at Basel and Locarno, October 1956; Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Milano, Vol. 35, 1957/I, p. 41-48).

1952 Sampling of Condensation Nuclei by means of a Mobile Photo-electric Counter

POLLAK, L.W. and T. MURPHY, 1952. Sampling of Condensation Nuclei by means of a Mobile Photo-electric Counter. (Arch. f. Met., Geophysik u. Bioklim., Wien, Serie A, Band V, 1952, pp. 100-119).

2009 3D shear velocity structure beneath the Gulf of California from Rayleigh wave dispersion, Earth Planet

ZHANG, X., H. PAULSSEN, S. LEBEDEV, T. MEIER, 2009. 3D shear velocity structure beneath the Gulf of California from Rayleigh wave dispersion, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 279, 255-262, 2009.

2007 Shelf to slope sedimentation processes in the northeast Atlantic, off NW Ireland, and the impact of Plio-Pleistocene glaciations

O’REILLY, B.M., READMAN, P.W. and SHANNON P.M., 2007. Shelf to slope sedimentation processes in the northeast Atlantic, off NW Ireland, and the impact of Plio-Pleistocene glaciations. Marine Geology, vol 238, 21-44.