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2001 Slope failure features on the margins of the Rockall Trough

SHANNON, P.M., B.M. O’REILLY, P.W. READMAN, A.W.B. JACOB & N. KENYON, 2001. Slope failure features on the margins of the Rockall Trough. The Petroleum Exploration of Ireland’s Offshore Basins. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 188, 455- 464.

1997 Controlled Source Seismic Experiments in Kenya

MECHIE, J., A.W.B. JACOB, O. NOVAK, M.A. KHAN, P.K.H. MAGUIRE, C.S. BIRT, G.R. KELLER, S. SIMIYU, L.W. BRAILE, W.D. MOONEY, H. THYBO, I.O. NYAMBOK, S.J. GACIRI, J.P. PATEL and D. RIAROH, 1997. Controlled Source Seismic Experiments in Kenya…. Read More

1995 The Crustal Structure of the Rockall Trough: Differential Stretching without Underplating

HAUSER, F., B.M. O’REILLY, A.W.B. JACOB, P.M. SHANNON, J. MAKRIS and U. VOGT, 1995. The Crustal Structure of the Rockall Trough: Differential Stretching without Underplating. J. Geophys Res., 100, 4097-4116.

1993 Cretaceous and Tertiary Basin Development West of Ireland

SHANNON, P.M., J.G. MOORE, A.W.B. JACOB and J. MAKRIS, 1993. Cretaceous and Tertiary Basin Development West of Ireland. Petroleum Geology of Northwest Europe: Proceedings of the 4th Conference (edited by J. R. Parker), Geological Society, London, 1057-1066.

1988 Continental Crust under the Southern Porcupine Seabight West of Ireland

MAKRIS, J., R. EGLOFF, A.W.B. JACOB, P. MOHR, T. MURPHY and R. RYAN, 1988. Continental Crust under the Southern Porcupine Seabight West of Ireland. Earth and Plan. Sci. Letts., 89, 387-397.

1980 A Note on the Remagnetisation of the Lower Carboniferous Rush Conglomerate, Rush, County Dublin

HOWARD, D.W. and P. MORRIS, 1980. A Note on the Remagnetisation of the Lower Carboniferous Rush Conglomerate, Rush, County Dublin. Journal of Earth Sciences, R. D. Society, 3, 139-145.

1970 An Air Suspended Tumbler for the AC Demagnetisation of Rock Samples

MORRIS, P., 1970. An Air Suspended Tumbler for the AC Demagnetisation of Rock Samples. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 3, 921-922.

1960 The Computation of Gravity Differences from Observations with a Worden Gravimeter and the Resultant Errors

MURPHY, T., 1960. The Computation of Gravity Differences from Observations with a Worden Gravimeter and the Resultant Errors. (Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Milano, Vol. 45, 1960/I, pp. 27-39).

1958 A Universal Diffusion Battery

POLLAK, L.W. and A. L. METNIEKS, 1958. A Universal Diffusion Battery. (Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Milano, Vol. 41, 1985/III, pp. 201-210).

1955 A Photo-electric Condensation Nucleus Counter of High Precision

POLLAK, L.W. and T.C. O’CONNOR, 1955. A Photo-electric Condensation Nucleus Counter of High Precision. (Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Milano, Vol. 32, 1955/II, pp. 139-146).