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Andrea Licciardi wins outstanding Student presentation at EGU 2017

During the Geodynamics division meeting at the 2017 EGU general assembly, that took place in Vienna on April 25, DIAS former PhD-student, Andrea Licciardi has been awarded with the Outstanding Student Presentation and Pico (OSPP award). Andrea presented… Read More

DIAS Research Forum 2018 – Friday 11th May

An inter-disciplinary research forum has been scheduled for Friday 11 May 2018, 3-5pm at Burlington Road. The forum is intended to be an informal event that provides post-doctoral scholars and PhD students with the opportunity to share and… Read More

2017-4-10 – Seminar by Prof. Tarje Nissen-Meyer

10 April 2017 – Seminar When: 16:00 on Monday, 10th April 2017 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Prof. Tarje Nissen-Meyer Title: Occam or not? On the interaction of waves with structure.

2017-4-5 – Seminar by Prof. Heiner Igel

5 April 2017 – Seminar When: 16:00 on Wednesday, 5th April 2017 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Prof. Heiner Igel (Ludwig-Maximilians-University München, Germany) Title: Earth’s Rock and Roll: Rotational Motions in Seismology.

2017-3-15 – Seminar by Dr. Sean McKenna

15 March 2017 – Seminar When: 15:30 on Wednesday, 15th March 2017 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Dr. Sean McKenna (IBM research in Dublin) Title: Modeling Ground Water Flow and Transport in… Read More

2017-03-10, Earthquake in Irish Sea, M0.9

On the 10th March 2017 at 05:06:25 UTC an earthquake of magnitude ML 0.9 occurred in the Irish Sea, approximately 50km off the coast of Wicklow, with the epicentral location 53.04N, 5.51W, see map below. The event was recorded… Read More

New insights into how continuous seismic signals announce an eruption

In the recently published Nature Geoscience paper a diverse group of scientists based at DIAS and other research institutes in Ireland and Iceland developed a new understanding of seismic signals prior to an eruption. The focus of the… Read More

Nicolas Luca Celli Wins Best Student Talk Prize

At the 2017 Irish Geological Research Meeting (IGRM) that took place at Trinity College Dublin on March 4-6, the prize for the best talk by a student was awarded to Nicolas Luca Celli, DIAS Geophysics. Nicolas spoke on… Read More

Wednesday 22nd February: DIAS General Interest Seminar – ‘Recent Trends in the Philosophy of Science’

Title: Recent Trends in the Philosophy of Science Speaker: Dr Finnur Dellsén (University College Dublin) Abstract: Many working scientists are familiar with Karl Popper’s vision of science as the concerted effort to falsify extent theories and replace them with new… Read More

2017-02-02 – Seminar by Dr Gaurav Tomar

2 February 2017 – Seminar When: 16:00 on Thursday, 2nd February 2017 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Dr Gaurav Tomar (DIAS, previously IPGP, Paris) Title: Application of interferometric method to Active and… Read More