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2016-10-10 – Seminar by Prof. Barbara Romanowicz

10 October 2016 – Seminar When: 16:30 on Monday, 10th October 2016 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Professor Barbara Romanowicz (University of California, Berkeley and IPG, Paris) Title: Seismic imaging of the… Read More

2016-09-20 – Short talk by Tena Belinić

20 September 2016 – Short talk When: 15:00 on Tuesday, 20th September 2016 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Tena Belinić (University of Zagreb, Croatia) Title: Intrinsic and scattering attenuation of high-frequency S-waves… Read More

9th September 2016 – Nuclear event in North Korea

On 9th September 2016 the Irish National Seismic Network (INSN) recorded an unusual seismic event located in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The recordings are consistent with the announcement by the DPRK that it has conducted… Read More

2016-08-24 – Earthquake in Italy

An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred in the Lazio region of Central Italy, on Wednesday 24 August 2016 at 01:36 UTC (03:36 local time). Many aftershocks have occurred since the main shock whose epicentre lies 38 km north… Read More

Culture Night 2016 at the Geophysics Section, School of Cosmic Physics

Earthquakes and other Geohazards Despite its lack of large earthquakes, Ireland holds a special place in the history of Earthquake studies thanks to the pioneering work of Robert Mallet in the mid-19th century. Come see the past and… Read More

2016-07-27 – Contributions from the IRETHERM April 1, 2016 Workshop now online!

Contributions from the IRETHERM April 1, 2016 Workshop are now online! You can view them all HERE

2016-07-25 – Seminar: Dr Bill Fry

25 July 2016 – Seminar When: 14:30 on Monday, 25th July 2016 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Dr Bill Fry (GNS Science, New Zealand) Title: Can changes in the ambient noise wave… Read More

2016-07-08 – Seminar: Catarina Matos

8 July 2016 – Seminar When: 15:00 on Friday, 8th July 2016 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Catarina Matos (Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) – University of Lisbon) Title: Automatic detection and location… Read More

Wednesday 6th July 2016: STP Seminar

Title: Weighted Information and Weighted Entropy Speaker: Yuri Suhov (Penn State University) Abstract: A standard definition of information and entropy involves probabilities of outcomes and events and makes no distinction between outcomes with equal probabilities (a context-free approach)…. Read More

2016-06-15 – Seminar: Dr. Magda Bucholc

15 June 2016 – Seminar When: 14:00 on Wednesday, 15 June 2016 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Dr. Magda Bucholc Title: Tidal triggering of earthquakes. Abstract: Better understanding of the conditions under… Read More