DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

Johannes Thun

Name:  Johannes Thun Title:  Dipl.-Geophys. E-Mail:  johannes.thun@ucdconnect.ie Phone:  +353-1-6535147 x200 Skype ID :  j0hannes.t Address:  Geophysics Section, School of Cosmic Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland Related Links :  http://jthun.eu/docs/jthun_cv.pdf Research Interests: – volcano seismology – instrumental… Read More

François Lavoué

Name: François Lavoué Title: Postdoctoral researcher E-Mail: lavouef@cp.dias.ie Phone: +353 1-653-5147 ext 231 Address: Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland Related Links : www.researchgate.net/profile/Francois_Lavoue Research Interests : Geophysical quantitative imaging, waveform inversion, seismology, hydrogeophysics. Biographical Sketch:… Read More

2016-04-16 – Earthquake near coast of Ecuador

A major M7.8 earthquake occurred near the coast of Ecuador on 16th April 2016 at 23:58 UTC (18:58 local time). DATE                    :       16 April 2016 ORIGIN TIME       :       23:58 37s UTC LAT/LONG           :       0.371° North / 79.940° West… Read More

2016-04-15 – Earthquake Kyushu, Japan

A major M7.0 earthquake occurred on the island of Kyushu, Japan on 15th April 2016 at 16:25 UTC (01:25 on 16th April local time).  A number of aftershocks have been recorded.  A tsunami alert was issued for Japanese… Read More

‘Applied Geophysics’ Undergraduate Module

Staff from DIAS Geophysics developed and delivered an intensive, one-week, course on ‘Applied Geophysics’. The course was delivered to final year geology students of UCD and TCD. Topics covered comprised: Gravity, Magnetics, Electrical and Electromagnetic and Seismic Methods…. Read More

2016-03-03 – Seminar: Prof Maurizio Ripepe

3 March 2016 – Seminar When: 13:00 on Thursday, 3 March 2016 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Prof Maurizio Ripepe from FlorenceTitle: Volcano Acoustics.

Scientists from DIAS Geophysics presenting their research at IGRM

Scientists from DIAS Geophysics are attending the 59th Irish Geological Research meeting in Galway this weekend. They will present their research in such areas as: theoretical geophysics, geothermal research in Ireland and abroad, marine seismic research and more…. Read More

2016-02-18 – Seminar: Prof Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth

18 February 2016 – Seminar When: 16:00 on Thursday, 18 February 2016 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Prof Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth (Director, Dept. Geotechnologies, and Head, Basin Modelling, GFZ Potsdam)Title: Heat in sedimentary… Read More

DIAS deploys Ocean Bottom Seismometers in the North-East Atlantic

Scientists from DIAS Geophysics deployed 10 Broad Band Ocean Bottom Seismographs (OBSs) units across the shelf offshore Donegal and out into the Rockall Trough in order to study microseims. Compared to earthquakes, microseisms represent background seismic noise generated… Read More

2016-01-29 – Seminar: Marcel Cembrowski

29 January 2016 – Seminar When: 15:00 on Friday, 29 January 2016 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Marcel Cembrowski (Goethe University of Frankfurt)Title: Anisotropic Asthenosphere under the Pyrenees – A 3-D Magnetotelluric… Read More