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Constraints on Variation of the Weak Scale from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Author(s): A-K. Burns, V. Keus, M. Sher & T.M.T. Tait
Release: June 2024

Gauged Permutation Invariant Matrix Quantum Mechanics: Path Integrals

Author(s): D. O’Connor & S. Ramgoolam
Release: April 2024

Rigor with Machine Learning from Field Theory to the Poincaré Conjecture

Author(s): S. Gukov, J. Halverson & F. Ruehle
Release: April 2024

Learning 4-Dimensional Knot Invariants from the Jones Polynomial

Speaker: Mark Hughes (Brigham Young University)
Time: Monday 17 June 2024, 2:30pm

Are Supermassive Black Holes Primordial?

Speaker: Christian Byrnes (University of Sussex)
Time: Thursday 30 May 2024, 2:30pm

3D Gravity from an Ensemble of Approximate CFTs

Speaker: Gabriel Wong (University of Oxford)
Time: Wednesday 23 May 2024, 2:30pm

Universal Electromagnetic Properties of Strongly-coupled Electron-phonon Superconductors

Speaker: Joshuah T. Heath (Dartmouth College, New Hampshire)
Time: Wednesday 15 May 2024, 2:30pm

From Classical to Quantum Fields on Causal Sets

Speaker: Christoph Minz (University of Leipzig)
Time: Thursday 9 May 2024, 2:30pm

International physics conference, hosted by DIAS, seeks to address gender equality

IConference hosted by Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies achieves an almost 50/50 gender split for conference line up – A theoretical physics conference will feature a significant 44/56 split between female and male speakers, despite gender disparities at… Read More