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Asano, Y.

Asano, Y. Apr. 2015- Post-Doctoral Scholar. Born: 1986 – Saitama, Japan. Education: Doctor of Science 2015, Kyoto University. Academic appointments: JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Kyoto University, 2013-2015.   Address: School of Theoretical Physics, Dublin Insitute for… Read More

Ihl, M.

Ihl, M. Oct. 2011-Sept. 2013 IRCSET Fellow Born 1977, Germany. Ph.D. 2008 University of Texas at Austin. Appointments: Post-Doctoral Researcher at Centro de Fisica do Porto, Faculdade de Ciencias da UP, Porto, Portugal, Jan. 2014-

Balog, J.

Balog, J. 1987-90 Scholar Born 1953 Budapest, Hungary. Ph.D. 1982 Budapest; CoS. 1985 Hungarian Academy Science; Dr. 2003 Hungarian Academy Science.Appointments: Research Associate, Dept. Theoretical Physics, Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, 1985-87;Humboldt Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut Munich, 1990-92; Research… Read More

Buffet, E.

Buffet, E. 1984 Scholar Born 1952 Paris, France. Ph. D. 1979 EPFL. Appointments: UCD Research Fellow 1981-83; Ass. Lect., NIHE, Dublin 1985-89; Lect., Dublin City University 1989-95; Senior Lect., Dublin City University, 1996-2000; Associate Prof., Dublin City University,… Read More

Dabrowski, L.

Dabrowski, L. 1989-90 Scholar Born 1955 Bytom, Poland. Ph.D. 1984 Trieste. Appointments: Lect., SISSA 1985-87; Visiting Prof., Louvain 1988; Visiting Scientist, Wien 1988; Junior Scientist, SISSA 1989; Researcher, INFN 1991; Ricercatore, SISSA 1992-. Memberships: GNFN; SIGRAV. Address: SISSA,… Read More

Fahy, E.F.

Fahy, E.F. 1944-45 Scholar Born 1922 Cork, Ireland. Ph.D. 1951 Chicago. Appointments: Prof., University College, Cork 1961-87; Emeritus Prof., University College, Cork 1987-. Address: “Shandon”, Bishopstown Road, Bishopstown, Cork, Ireland.

Gibbons, J.

Gibbons, J. 1979-81 Scholar Born 1954 Bristol, England. D.Phil 1978 Oxford. Appointments: Visiting Ass. Prof., Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam, New York 1978-79; Royal Society Exchange Fellow, Rome, 1981-83; SERC Post-Doctoral Fellow, Imperial 1983-84; Lect.,Imperial College 1984-. Address:… Read More

Horvath, Z.

Horvath, Z. 1972-74 Scholar Born 1943 Debrecen, Hungary. Ph.D. 1971 Budapest; D.Sc. 1991 Hungary. Appointments: Assistant, Univ. of Heavy Industry, Miskolc, Hungary 1967; Senior Researcher, Eotvos Univ. 1971; Prof., Eotvos Univ. 1992-. Address: Head of Institute for Theoretical… Read More

Khan, I.

Khan, I. 1967-69 Scholar Born 1940 Thana, Pakistan. D.Phil. 1968 Edinburgh.

Manoukian, E.

Manoukian, E. 1973-75 Scholar Born 1945 Cairo, Egypt. Ph.D. 1971 Toronto. Appointments: Post Doctoral Fellow, Alberta; Lect., Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Universite de Montreal.