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Closed Form Fermionic Expressions for the Macdonald Index

Author(s) : O. Foda & R. Zhu
Release: June 2020

Matrix Regularization for Riemann Surfaces with Magnetic Fluxes

Author(s) : H. Adachi, G. Ishiki, T. Matsumoto & K. Saito
Release: May 2020

Simulating Quantum Circuits by Adiabatic Computation: Improved Spectral Gap Bounds

Author(s) : S. Dooley, G. Kells, H. Katsuru & T. Dorlas
Release: April 2020

Shaking Photons from the Vacuum: Acceleration Radiation from Vibrating Atoms

Author(s) : B. Dolan, A. Hunter-McCabe & J. Twamley
Release: March 2020

Constructing Edge Zero Modes Through Domain Wall Angle Conservation

Author(s) : D. Pellegrino, G. Kells, N. Moran & J. K. Slingerland
Release: February 2020

Testing Macdonald Index as a Refined Character of Chiral Algebra

Author(s) : A. Watanabe & R. Zhu
Release: February 2020

Diffeomorphisms on the Fuzzy Sphere

Author(s) : G. Ishiki & T. Matsmoto
Release: January 2020

Gravity as Gauge Theory Squared: A Ghost Story

Author(s) : A. Anastasiou, L. Borsten, M. J. Duff, S. Nagy, & M. Zoccali
Release: November 2018