DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

Tuesday 26th February: STP Seminar – “Thermodynamics of precision in quantum non-equilibrium steady states”

Title: “Thermodynamics of precision in quantum non-equilibrium steady states” Speaker: Dr. Giacomo Guarnieri (TCD) Abstract: We investigate the fundamental trade-off between current fluctuations and entropy production for systems in non-equilibrium steady states (NESS). We use the technique of… Read More

Thursday 7th February: STP Seminar – “Localization Counteracts Decoherence in Noisy Floquet Topological Chains”

Title: “Localization Counteracts Decoherence in Noisy Floquet Topological Chains” Speaker: Maresa Rieder (formerly Weizmann Institute) Abstract: The topological phases of periodically driven, or Floquet systems, rely on a perfectly periodic modulation of system parameters in time. Even the… Read More

2018 Autumn Seminar Schedule

Unless stated otherwise seminars will be held at 2.30pm in the STP Lecture Theatre, 10 Burlington Road Sept 28, Morten Grud Rasmussen (Aalborg University) Oct 9, Ian Jubb (DIAS) Oct 22, Ricardo Monteiro (Queen Mary University of London)… Read More

STP Statutory Public Lecture: 13 June 2018 – Prof Terence Rudolph

Speaker: Prof Terence Rudolph
Title: Free Choice & Quantum Physics

The O’Raifeartaigh Lecture

The O’Raifeartaigh Lecture is held annually in honour of Lochlainn O’Raifeartaigh (1933 – 2000).

2018 Spring Seminar Schedule

Unless stated otherwise seminars will be held at 2.30pm in the STP Lecture Theatre, 10 Burlington Road May 28-29, Irish Quantum Foundations 2018 will be held at DCU May 15, Alessio Marrani (U. Padova) May 8, Ricardo Schiappa… Read More

Thursday 3rd May: STP Seminar – “Black Holes, Stokes Flows & Transport at Strong Coupling”

Title: Black holes, Stokes flows and transport at strong coupling Speaker: Aristomenis Donos (U. Durham) Abstract: Certain strongly coupled materials, such as the cuprate superconductors exhibit fascinating, yet hard to explain transport properties. Holography provides a consistent framework to study the… Read More

Thursday 19th April: STP Seminar – “Non-equilibrium Dynamics in Isolated Quantum Systems”

Title: Non-equilibrium Dynamics in Isolated Quantum Systems Speaker: Masud Haque (NUI Maynooth) Abstract: Quantum many-body physics has traditionally focused on equilibrium properties and low-energy excitations. However, in recent years, motivated by novel experimental possibilities, the study of quantum matter far from… Read More

Tuesday 10th April: STP Seminar – “Explorations in non equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems: work and heat statistics”

Title: Explorations in non equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems: work and heat statistics Speaker: John Goold (TCD) Abstract: This talk will be an overview of some research I have been doing in the field of non equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems… Read More

Tuesday 27th March: STP Seminar – “The Wave Mechanics of Large-scale Structure”

Title: The Wave Mechanics of Large-scale Structure Speaker: Peter Coles (U. Cardiff & NUI Maynooth) Abstract: There has been been a resurgence of interest recently in an idea, originally raised in a seminal paper by Widrow & Kaiser (1993), that the… Read More