DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

Tuesday 10th April: STP Seminar – “Explorations in non equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems: work and heat statistics”

Title: Explorations in non equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems: work and heat statistics Speaker: John Goold (TCD) Abstract: This talk will be an overview of some research I have been doing in the field of non equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems… Read More

Tuesday 27th March: STP Seminar – “The Wave Mechanics of Large-scale Structure”

Title: The Wave Mechanics of Large-scale Structure Speaker: Peter Coles (U. Cardiff & NUI Maynooth) Abstract: There has been been a resurgence of interest recently in an idea, originally raised in a seminal paper by Widrow & Kaiser (1993), that the… Read More

Tuesday 20th March: STP Seminar – “From Hilbert’s 16th Problem to Physics”

Title: From Hilbert’s 16th Problem to Physics Speaker: Charles Nash (NUI Maynooth) Abstract: We shall describe a link between Hilbert’s sixteenth problem (part (i)) concerning real algebraic curves and condensed matter physics. The central result is some work of Kenyon and… Read More

Tuesday 6th March: STP Seminar – “Quantum Correlations in Space & Time”

Title: Quantum Correlations in Space & Time Speaker: Joe Fitzsimons (Singapore University of Technology and Design) Abstract: In ordinary, non-relativistic, quantum physics, time enters only as a parameter and not as an observable: a state of a physical system is specified… Read More

Tuesday 27th February: STP Seminar – “Anomalous Transport”

Title: Anomalous Transport Speaker: Karl Landsteiner (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Abstract: The concept of symmetry is one cornerstone of modern theoretical physics, quantum mechanics is another. Sometimes they are incompatible with each other. These incompatibilities are called anomalies. They constrain possible… Read More

Thursday 15th March: STP Seminar – “Einstein Gravity From Conformal Field Theory”

Title: Einstein Gravity From Conformal Field Theory Speaker: Andrei Parnachev (TCD) Abstract: We will analyse the Regge limit of certain four point functions in CFTs and will argue that holographic CFTs must be described by the Einstein gravity. Time: Thursday 15th… Read More

Tuesday 13th February: STP Seminar – “An Introduction to Causal Set Theory”

Title: An Introduction to Causal Set Theory Speaker: Dionigi M.T. Benincasa (DIAS) Abstract: Causal set theory is a sum-over-histories approach to quantum gravity, where the histories are discrete spacetimes (called causal sets) defined as locally finite partial orders. Causal sets were… Read More

Tuesday 6th February: STP Seminar – “A Hopf algebra for Feynman diagrams and integral”

Title: A Hopf algebra for Feynman diagrams and integral Speaker: Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin) Abstract: I will present a combinatorial operation on one-loop Feynman diagrams, described by cutting and pinching edges, that corresponds to the Hopf-algebraic coaction on the… Read More

Tuesday 5th December: STP Seminar – “An M5-Brane Model”

Title: An M5-Brane Model Speaker: Christian Sämann (Heriot-Watt University) Abstract: We show how to write an action for a classical six-dimensional superconfomal field theory containing a non-abelian tensor multiplet. All of the ingredients of this action have been available in… Read More