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Learning 4-Dimensional Knot Invariants from the Jones Polynomial

Speaker: Mark Hughes (Brigham Young University)
Time: Monday 17 June 2024, 2:30pm

Mark Hughes (Brigham Young University)

Title: Learning 4-Dimensional Knot Invariants from the Jones Polynomial Abstract: Machine learning techniques have proven to be effective in knottheory, identifying subtle relationships between topological invariants andfinding optimal solutions to problems with large intractable search spaces. Inthis talk… Read More

Christian Byrnes (University of Sussex)

Title: Are Supermassive Black Holes Primordial? Abstract: Black holes with masses between a million and a billion solar masses are seen in the centres of many galaxies, even at high redshift. Their origin remains unknown and hard to… Read More

STP Board Meeting Lectures

Date: Monday 27 May 2024 Place: School of Theoretical Physics, DIAS, Burlington Road, Dublin 4 Time: 11:00 – 12:00Speaker: Sergei Gukov (|DIAS & Caltech)Title: Quantum Groups and Log-CFTs from Three DimensionsAbstract: To follow. Time: 12:00 – 13:00Speaker: Sanjaye Ramgoolam (DIAS & Queen Mary, London)Title:… Read More

Gabriel Wong (University of Oxford)

Title: 3D Gravity from an Ensemble of Approximate CFTs Abstract: One of the major insights gained from holographic duality is the relation between the physics of black holes and quantum chaotic systems. This relation is made precise in… Read More

Joshuah T. Heath (Dartmouth College, New Hampshire)

Title: Universal Electromagnetic Properties of Strongly-coupled Electron-phonon Superconductors Abstract: High-temperature superconductors are characterized by exotic normal states, and are still a subject of intense study nearly four decades after their introduction. A formal attempt to uniquely determine high-Tc behavior… Read More

Christoph Minz (University of Leipzig)

Title: From classical to quantum fields on causal sets Abstract: In this talk, I will give a brief review of algebraic classical and quantum field theory on causal sets. There are different approaches to quantise the classical fields,… Read More

2024-05-07 Hugh Hudson (Glasgow and Berkely)

The Sun as a Star: Discovery of high-speed prograde coronal flows Abstract: The Sun, viewed as a star, still produces surprises via time-domain and spectroscopic techniques.  In particular the medium-resolution EUV spectrometers on the Solar Dynamics Observatory have produced… Read More

Marek Lewicki (University of Warsaw)

Title: Search for Cosmic Strings Through Their Gravitational Wave Signals Abstract: We are currently witnessing the dawn of a new era in astrophysics and cosmology, started by the LIGO/Virgo observations of Gravitational Waves (GWs). In this talk I will… Read More

Jerome Quintin (Univ. Of Waterloo & Perimeter Institute)

Title: Recent Developments in Quantum Cosmology Abstract: After a brief overview of the concepts behind quantum cosmology, with an emphasis on the no-boundary proposal for the very early universe, I will present the Kontsevich-Segal criterion. Kontsevich and Segal have… Read More