DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

Dr. Jemal Guven

Affiliation: National University of Mexico
Visiting Dates: 01 – 19 July 2019

Thursday 18th July : STP Seminar – Conformal symmetry breaking and self-similar spirals

Title: Conformal symmetry breaking and self-similar spirals Jacob Bernoulli’s Spira Mirabilis set free Speaker: Dr. Jemal Guven (ICN, UNAM ) Abstract: Self-similar curves are a recurring motif in nature. They also arise naturally as tension-free stationary states of… Read More

Dr. Gilberto Bini

Affiliation: University of Milan
Visiting Dates: 20 June – 4 July 2019

Thursday 13th June : STP Seminar – Geometry of branes from matrix models

Title: Geometry of branes from matrix models Speaker: Takaki Matsumoto (DIAS) Abstract: Matrix models are conjectured to give non-perturbative and constructive formulations of string and M theories. In the matrix models, various branes such as strings or membranes… Read More

26-05-2019 M8, Peru Earthquake

On the 26-05-2019 at 2.41am local time (07:41:14 UTC) an M8.0 earthquake occurred in Northern Peru, 75km SSE of Lagunas. More information can be found on the Irish National Seismic Network INSN website.

Wednesday 29th May : STP Seminar – Microscopic description of Schwarzschild black hole from quantum field theory

Title: Microscopic description of Schwarzschild black hole from quantum field theory Speaker: Prof. Masanori Hanada (Kyoto University) Abstract: The gauge/gravity duality relates black hole and QFT. In particular, the ‘small black hole’ in AdS5*S5, which is essentially the Schwarzschild… Read More

Wednesday 29th May : STP Seminar – Microscopic description of Schwarzschild black hole from quantum field theory

Title: Microscopic description of Schwarzschild black hole from quantum field theory Speaker: Prof. Masanori Hanada (Kyoto University) Abstract: The gauge/gravity duality relates black hole and QFT. In particular, the ‘small black hole’ in AdS5*S5, which is essentially the… Read More

Thursday 16th May : STP Seminar – Morse theory & the moduli space of flat connections

Title: Morse theory & the moduli space of flat connections Speaker: Prof. Paul Feehan (Rutgers, New Jersey) Abstract: We shall discuss a variety of results related to Morse (or Morse-Bott) theory for the Yang-Mills energy function on a… Read More

Dr. Masanori Hanada

Affiliation: University of Southampton
Visiting Dates: 20 – 31 May 2019

2019-04-24, 15:00 Prof. Jonathan Tan (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)

Prof. Jonathan Tan Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden A Light in the Dark – Massive Star Birth Through Cosmic Time Abstract: Massive stars have played a dominant role in shaping our universe since its earliest times, but there… Read More