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DIAS Planetary Science Studentship: closing date Thursday March 21st 2024

From mid-May 2024, the DIAS Planetary Magnetospheres group (dias.ie/planetary) is offering a 2-to-3-month studentship for a motivated candidate to work with the group on the topic of Jupiter’s moon Europa. Jupiter’s moon Europa is thought to harbour an… Read More

Eric Bergshoeff (Groningen University)

Title: Three-dimensional Massive Gravity and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Abstract: In this talk I will compare the massive spin-2 modes that have been observed in the Fractional Quantum Hall effect with the Fierz-Pauli description of massive spin-2… Read More

Jelle Hartong (Edinburgh University)

Title: Non-Relativistic Gravity Abstract: I will discuss the 1/c expansion of general relativity where c is the speed of light. At low orders this gives Newton-Cartan gravity and generalisations thereof. At higher orders (and weak fields) this can… Read More

Christian Northe (Ben-Gurion University)

Title: Entanglement Resolution and Boundary Conformal Field Theory Abstract: Conformal field theory is playing an essential role in developing our understanding of entanglement in many-body systems and field theory. I will discuss how it allows one to access… Read More

Erica Bertolini (DIAS)

Title: Maxwell Theory of Fractons Abstract: In this talk I will show that the main properties of the fracton quasiparticles can be derived from a generalized covariant Maxwell-like action. Starting from a rank-2 symmetric tensor field, a partially symmetric… Read More

Dr Pauline Gagnon (formerly of CERN) to deliver two talks at DIAS

What were Albert Einstein’s first wife’s contributions to his extraordinary productivity in the beginning of his career? Why are sexism, homophobia and racism still so prevalent in physics? In two separate upcoming talks, hosted by Dublin Institute for… Read More

David Berenstein (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Title: Staggered Bosons Abstract: I will discuss a novel construction of field theories based on the idea that one has only a half boson degree of freedom per  lattice site. Basically, instead of having a pair of canonical  conjugate commuting variables… Read More

Arttu Rajantie (Imperial College, London)

Title: Monopoles and Baryons from Sphalerons and Instantons Abstract: I will discuss non-perturbative quantum field theory phenomena in theStandard Model of particle physics and its extensions, described bysemiclassical sphaleron and instanton solutions. In the StandardModel, they violate baryon number and therefore play an important rolein… Read More

Diego Aristizabal (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile)

Title: Physics Opportunities of CEvNS Experiments Abstract: CEvNS experimental facilities provide a rather rich environment for precise measurements of SM parameters and searches of new physics. In this talk, I will discuss a few aspects of this program involving… Read More

Giandomenico Palumbo (DIAS)

Title: Spin-resolved Topology in Quantum Materials Abstract: Topological insulating (TI) phases were originally highlighted for their disorder-robust bulk responses, such as the quantized Hall conductivity of 2D Chern insulators. With the discovery of time-reversal- (T-) invariant 2D TIs, focus has since shifted to… Read More