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2018-02-25, M7.5 Papua New Giunea

On 25th February, 2018, an earthquake measuring magnitude 7.5 occurred at 4a.m local time, in a rural, jungle area of the Southern Highlands in New Guinea, Papaua New Guinea. It wasn’t immediately clear if there was damage. No… Read More

Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminar Schedule 2018

March Wed. 7th, 12:00:   Prof. Daniel J. Kennefick (University of Arkansas) Tue. 27th, 14:30:  Prof. Peter Coles (Maynooth University) April Wed. 11th, 15:00:  Dr. Hendrik Hildebrandt (Argelander-Institut für Astronomie, Bonn) Wed. 24th, 15:00:  Prof. M. Takami (Academia… Read More

Science Week Event: Evening, 16th Nov. 2017, 5 Merrion Sq. – limitied places remaining

Earthquakes and other Geohazards Despite its lack of large earthquakes, Ireland holds a special place in the history of Earthquake studies thanks to the pioneering work of Robert Mallet in the mid-19th century. Come see the past and… Read More

2017-10-25, 3pm, Dr. Giovanni Rosotti (University of Cambridge), Studying planet formation in the era of ALMA

Dr. Giovanni Rosotti University of Cambridge Studying planet formation in the era of ALMA Abstract: The field of proto-planetary discs is progressing enormously thanks to ALMA. The general spirit of my talk will be to show how theory… Read More