DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

Major Seismic event, Central Italy, M6.1.

Major Seismic event, Central Italy, M6.1.

Dr. Samuel Kováčik

Name: Samuel Kováčik Title(s): Dr. E-Mail: skovacik@stp.dias.ie Phone: 01 – 6140144 Address: Rm 404, DIAS, 10 Burlington Rd, Dublin 4

Friday 21st October: STP Seminar – “Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity & Fractal Spacetime from the Quantum Browian Motion Perspective”

Title: Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity & Fractal Spacetime from the Quantum Browian Motion Perspective. Speaker: Bei-Lok Hu (University of Maryland). Abstract: Many approaches to quantum gravity find that spacetime near the Planck scale (10^33cm) becomes effectively two-dimensional. Recently… Read More

Culture Night 2016 at the Geophysics Section, School of Cosmic Physics

Earthquakes and other Geohazards Despite its lack of large earthquakes, Ireland holds a special place in the history of Earthquake studies thanks to the pioneering work of Robert Mallet in the mid-19th century. Come see the past and… Read More

2016-03 – Membrane Matrix models and non-perturbative checks of gauge/gravity duality

DIAS-STP-16-03 Membrane Matrix models and non-perturbative checks of gauge/gravity duality D. O’Connor and V. Filev This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format Details provided: Date of publication : 05/05/16… Read More

2015-12 – A Computer Test of Holographic Flavour Dynamics

DIAS-STP-15-12 A Computer Test of Holographic Flavour Dynamics V. Filev and D. O’Connor This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format Details provided: Date of publication : 08/12/15 To obtain… Read More

DIAS Payscales

DIAS payscales FEMPI DIAS 1 Jan 16 increases SFI payscales

On-site inspection IFE 2014 – Jordan

DIAS involvement in the recent on-site inspection exercise in Jordan IFE 14: