DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

Join us for the Festival of Curiosity

*DIAS 2020 PUBLIC EVENT* This July we will take a closer look at Volcanoes via our Geophysics section, and look to the stars in the DIAS Dunsink Observatory. Full programme will be published in due course.

**Cancelled**Dunsink Observatory Movie Nights

*DIAS 2020 PUBLIC EVENT* This coming August, we plan to see out the Summer holidays with a number of family friendly movie nights in DIAS Dunsink Observatory. Weather permitting we will host an outdoor cinema, overlooking Dublin City,... Read More

Join us for Culture Night

*DIAS 2020 PUBLIC EVENT* This Culture Night visit the open DIAS buildings and delve into the research questions being tackled by our talented staff. This will address our DIAS 2020 themes of Listening to our planet Reaching for... Read More