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2019-11-01, 12:00: Prof. C. Conselice (University of Nottingham, UK)

Dr. D. Hollenbach University of Nottingham, UK Galaxy Formation and Evolution over 13 Billion Years Abstract: I will discuss new results based on observations and theory which investigate the processes by which galaxies are assembling from the early… Read More

Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminar Schedule 2020

January Wed. 22nd, 15:00: Dr. Pamela Klaassen (Royal Observatory Edinburgh) Wed. 15th, 15:00: Prof. Miroslav Filipovic (Western Sydney University)

2019-11-14, 15:00: Prof. B. Mazin (University of California Santa Barbara, USA) – CANCELLED

Prof. Ben Mazin UCSB, USA Title: T.B.C. Abstract: TBC Location:31 Fitzwilliam Place Upcoming seminars: https://www.dias.ie/2018/10/23/astronomy-and-astrophysics-seminar-schedule-2019/(opens in a new tab)

2019-09-09, 11:00:Dr. D. Hollenbach (SETI, USA)

Dr. D. Hollenbach SETI, USA The Masses of the First Stars in the Universe Abstract: The mass of the first stars determine their fate and the enrichment in heavy elements to the early universe as they die. As… Read More

2019-07-10, 11:00:Dr. S. Dougherty (ALMA, ESO Chile)

Dr. S. Dougherty ALMA, ESO Chile ALMA – a game-changer telescope and its outstanding science. Abstract: The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) located at 5000m altitude in northern Chile is an extraordinary achievement of innovation and construction. This… Read More

2019-05-29, 15:00: Dr. J. Young (Cambridge, UK)

2019-05-29, 15:00: Dr. John Young (Cambridge, UK) Dr. John Young Cambridge University Challenges for high-resolution imaging of geosynchronous satellites Abstract: Optical (visible/infrared) interferometry provides the only practicable way to image satellites in Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) with sub-meter… Read More

2019-05-21, 15:00: Dr. Sara Bonito (INAF-Palermo Observatory)

Dr. Sara Bonito INAF-Palermo Observatory Accretion/Ejection Processes in Young Stars: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Abstract: I will talk about my research on stellar jets and accretion processes in young stellar objects at INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo but… Read More

2019-03-27, 15:00: Dr. Asaf Pe’er (University College Cork (Ireland), and Bar-Ilan University (Israel))

Dr. Asaf Pe’er University College Cork (Ireland), Bar-Ilan Universtiy (Israel) GRBs, Cosmic rays and shock waves Abstract: The acceleration site of ultra-high energy cosmic rays is still an open question despite extended research.Over 20 years ago it was… Read More

2019-03-15, 11:00: Prof. John Wise (Georgia Tech University, USA)

Prof. John Wise Georgia Tech University, USA The First Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies in the Universe Abstract: Cosmic structure forms hierarchically through smooth accretion and dark matter halo mergers. As a consequence, all galaxies are the product… Read More

2019-03-13, 11:00: Dr. Pieter de Visser (SRON, Netherlands)

Dr. Pieter de Visser SRON, Netherlands Photon-counting energy-resolving MKID detectors for visible/near-infrared astronomy. Abstract: Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) are photon-counting superconducting detectors which provide energy resolution in each pixel. One photon can generate a few thousand of… Read More