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2019-02-27, 15:00: Dr. Lucia Klarmann (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Germany)

Dr. Lucia Klarmann Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Germany The base material of terrestrial planets – investigating the dust in the inner region of protoplanetary disks Abstract: The inner regions of protoplanetary disks are where terrestrial planets and… Read More

2018-12-05; 15:00; Dr. Alberto Sanna (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany); Cancelled.

Dr. Alberto Sanna Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany T.B.D. Abstract: T.B.D. Location: To be confirmed (31 Fitzwilliam Place/ Burlington Road) Upcoming seminars: https://www.dias.ie/2018/03/07/astronomy-and-astrophysics-seminar-schedule-2018/

Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminar Schedule 2019

January Thur. 17th, 12:00: Dr. Salvatore Orlando (INAF-Palermo, Italy) February Wed. 27th, 12:00: Dr. Lucia Klarmann (MPIA-Heidelberg, Germany) March Wed. 13th, 11:00: Dr.  Pieter de Visser (SRON, Netherlands) Fri. 15th, 11:00: Prof. John Wise (Georgia Tech University, USA)… Read More

2019-01-17, 12:00, Dr. Salvatore Orlando (INAF-Palermo, Italy), Modelling mass accretion processes in young stellar objects.

Dr. Salvatore Orlando INAF-Palermo, Italy Modelling mass accretion processes in young stellar objects. Abstract: Accretion of matter is a process that plays a central role in the physics of young stellar objects. The analysis of the structure by… Read More

2018-11-14, 11:00, Dr. Ignacio Mendigutia (CAB, INTA-CSIC, Spain), Accretion rates as a link between different astronomical scales

Dr. Ignacio Mendigutia CAB, INTA-CSIC, Spain Accretion rates as a link between different astronomical scales Abstract: The mass accretion rate is a fundamental parameter as it determines the growth and evolution of the astrophysical objects under analysis. During… Read More

2018-10-02, 15:00, Dr. Tony Moffat (Université de Montréal), Probing Massive Stars with the BRITE Nanosatellites

Dr. Tony Moffat Université de Montréal Probing Massive Stars with the BRITE Nanosatellites Abstract: Launched in 2013-2014, the five independently functioning BRITE (BRIght Target Explorer) nanosats – each costing “only” about 2M$ – are now producing excellent science… Read More

2018-09-19, 15:00, Dr. Rob Izzard (University of Surrey), Circumbinary discs around post-AGB stars

Dr. Rob Izzard University of Surrey Circumbinary discs around post-AGB stars Abstract: Post-AGB stars with discs are all binary systems. Post-AGB binaries are also eccentric, in every sense of the word. Given that many post-AGB objects likely experienced… Read More