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2020-07-29, 16:00: Dr. Kiri Wagstaff (NASA JPL)

Dr. Kiri Wagstaff Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA Machine Learning for Discovery in Radio and Optical Astronomy Investigations Abstract: Machine learning provides the ability to quickly sift through large data sets to identify observations… Read More

2020-07-15, 15:00: Dr. K. Forbes (Catholic University of America)

Dr. Kevin Forbes Catholic University of America, USA Geomagnetic Activity and the Challenge to Electric Power Reliability during Solar Cycle 23: Evidence from the Netherlands Abstract: A clear demonstration that solar activity can give rise to geomagnetic storms… Read More

2020-07-07, 16:00: Dr. S. McIntosh (NCAR)

Dr. Scott McIntosh National Center For Atmospheric Research, University Corporation For Atmospheric Research, USA A New ‘Clock’ for the Sun – What does Sunspot Cycle 25 Hold? Abstract: The Sun’s variability is controlled by the progression and interaction… Read More

2020-06-24, 15:00: Dr. Léa Griton (IRAP)

Dr. Léa Griton L’Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse and CNRS, France TBD Abstract: TBD

2020-06-17, 14:00: Dr. L. Matrà (CfA, Harvard-Smithsonian)

Dr. Luca Matrà Center for Astrophysics, Harvard-Smithsonian, USA Exocometary Science Abstract: Exocomets are icy bodies in extrasolar planetary systems, detected through the gas and dust they release as they collide and grind down within their natal belts, or… Read More

2020-05-22, 14:30: Dr. L. Podio (INAF)

Dr. Linda Podio INAF, Italy The chemical content of planet-forming discs: Towards a comparison with the Outer Solar System objects and exoplanets Abstract: How have planets formed in the Solar System? And what chemical composition they inherited from… Read More

2020-05-19, 15:00: Prof. H. Arce (Yale University)

Prof. Héctor Arce Yale University, USA Feedback from young stars and its impact over a wide rage of scales – from molecular clouds to protoplanetary disks. Abstract: Star formation is a multi-scale process. Star-forming clouds in our galaxy… Read More

2020-05-12, 15:00: Dr. P. Pinilla (MPIA)

Dr. Paola Pinilla MPIA, Germany Mdust-Mstar & Rdust-Mstar Relations in Protoplanetary Disks: Models vs. Observations Abstract: Demographic surveys of protoplanetary disks, in particular with ALMA, have provided access to a large range of disk dust masses and radii… Read More

2020-04-29, 14:30: Dr. L. Podio (INAF)

Dr. Linda Podio INAF, Italy The chemical content of planet-forming disks: Towards a comparison with the Outer Solar System Objects and exoplanets Abstract: How have planets formed in the Solar System? And what chemical composition they inherited from… Read More

2020-03-25, 14:00: Alison B Lowndes (NVIDIA)

Alison B Lowndes Artificial Intelligence DevRel, NVIDIA Fuelling the Artificial Intelligence Revolution with Gaming Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is impacting all areas of society, from healthcare and transportation to smart cities and energy. AI won’t be an industry, it will be… Read More