DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

PhD scholarship (MKIDs)

PhD scholarship to work in the design and development of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) The Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies (DIAS) is offering a four year PhD scholarship to work in the design and development of Microwave… Read More

Photos from DIAS School of Cosmic Physics Statutory Public Lecture 2017 (19th October 2017)

“Brave new worlds: the planets in our galaxy” by Professor Giovanna Tinetti, University College London  (abstract)

RTE documentary on LOFAR – Thursday 19th October

Tonight RTE 1 screens a documentary on how Ireland built part the largest radio telescope in the World. LOFAR (The Low-Frequency Array) is an international effort to study the Universe at the lowest radio frequencies, straddling either side… Read More

Camille Stock

Name:  Camille Stock Title:  PhD student E-mail:  cstock@cp.dias.ie Phone:  +353-1-4406656 Address:  Astronomy & Astrophysics Section, 31 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2, D02 XF86

Maria Moutzouri

Name:  Maria Moutzouri Title:  PhD student E-mail:  moutzouri@cp.dias.ie Phone:  +353-1-4406656×331 Address:  Astronomy & Astrophysics Section, 31 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2, D02 XF86

Ireland to Join the European Southern Observatory

DIAS welcomes the wonderful news that Ireland will join the European Southern Observatory (ESO). It means Irish astronomers will now have access to world-class observing facilities and Irish companies will be involved in building the biggest telescope on… Read More

Dunsink Observatory Public Open Night – Maths Week 2017

Speaker: Dr Samuel Kováčik, Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Fellow funded by the Irish Research Council and based in the School of Theoretical Physics, DIAS. Title of Talk: Sir Hamilton and the story of making things up   (Sir William… Read More

Sam Green

Name:  Samuel Green Title:  PhD student E-mail:  green@cp.dias.ie Phone:  +353-1-4406656 x351 Address:  Astronomy & Astrophysics Section, 31 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2, Ireland Research Interests: Stellar winds, stellar wind nebula, bow shocks, hydrodynamics, radiative transfer, simulations, data visualization. Biographical… Read More

Dr Masha Chernyakova

Maria Chernyakova was awarded a Ph.D. in Physics from Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia (2000). After postdoctoral work at Integral Science Data Center (Switzerland) and at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies(DIAS) (Ireland) she took up an academic… Read More