DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

Rankin-Brady Emily

Rankin-Brady, E., , Technical Assistant; 1972-1981.

McGroarty Fiona (Dr,)

McGroarty, F., , PhD Student; 2000- 2004. DIT, Kevin Street, Dublin E-mail: mcgroarty_atgooglemail.com

Keegan Raymond

Keegan, R., , Student; 1990- 1993. 916 Percy Arms Street, Las Vegas, NV 89138, United States of America. E-mail: raymondkeegan_at_cox.net

Education and Outreach

Education and Outreach Open Nights Open Nights are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month during the winter months (October-March). Weather permitting, visitors can view celestial objects through the historic Grubb Telescope and two smaller… Read More

Bacciotti Francesca (Dr.)

Bacciotti, F., Researcher; 1998- 2000. Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Firenze. E-mail: fran_at_arcetri.it

Duffy Peter (Prof.)

Duffy, P., Former Student; 1986- 1990. School of Physics UCD Science CentreBelfieldDublin 4. E-mail: peter.duffy_at_ucd.ie

Podio Linda (Dr.)

Podio , R., Researcher; 2007- 2009. Kapteyn Astronomical InstituteLandleven 129747 AD GroningenThe Netherlands. E-mail: podio_at_astro.rug.nl

2010-10-26 – LOFAROFAR Magnetism Key Science Project Workshop

26-27 October 2010 – LOFAR Magnetism Key Science Project Workshop at DIAS 10 Burlington Road, Dublin 4. For workshop programme please click here.  

2009-09-08 – 14th Workshop on Radiation Monitoring for International space Station

8-10 September 2010 – The 14th Workshop on Radiation Monitoring for Interntional Space Station in Dublin Castle hosted and organised by DIAS.  For workshop programme please click here

Astronomy and Astrophysics Events

Events   Open Nights Dunsink Astronomy & Astrophysics Seminars Specialist Workshop “Contested Astrophysics”