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New publication: The Art of Bardic Poetry

Bardic poetry dominated the Irish literary landscape for at least four centuries, from 1200 to 1600. The standardised language and metres developed for versification in this period and the poets’ sophisticated analysis of them are among the outstanding… Read More

Statutory Public Lecture 2014

Professor Liam Breatnach: The Church in the Laws of Early Mediaeval Ireland View the lecture Handout Part of Tionól 2014

Dr Deborah Hayden

phone: +353 1 6140176e-mail: deborah@celt.dias.ie About I completed a BA in Latin and French languages and literatures at Wellesley College before taking a second undergraduate degree in Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic at the University of Cambridge, followed by… Read More

One-day law conference videos available

The talks from the one-day law conference in honour of Fergus Kelly on the occasion of his retirement, held on 28th June 2014, are now available.

One day law conference in honour of Fergus Kelly

A one-day law conference in honour of on the occasion of his retirement Professor Fergus Kelly was held on Satuday 28th June 2014. The talks given are below. Thomas Charles-Edwards (University of Oxford): ‘Bretha Comaithchesa and Early Irish… Read More

Fangzhe Qiu

phone: +353 1 6140116e-mail: fq@celt.dias.ie Research Interests Early Irish law; narratives in law texts; Old and Middle Irish language; early Irish poetry and metrics; medieval grammatica; historical comparative linguistics (Indo-European, Turkic and Sino-Tibetan). Publications ‘Wandering cows and obscure… Read More

Nicole Volmering

  Research Interests Old and Middle Irish language and development of the language, medieval Irish literature, literary theory, church history, asceticism and eschatology, Old English literature. Publications Articles ‘De Struktuur van Fís Adomnáin’, Kelten: Mededelingen van de Stichting… Read More

Dr Mona Jakob

phone: +353 1 6140170e-mail: mona@celt.dias.ie Research Interests Old and Middle Irish poetry; metrics and metrical theory; poets and poetics; Old Irish language and the development of the language. Publications ‘Suibhne Geilt — A Green Man with a knack… Read More

Professor Barry Lewis

Name: Barry James Lewis Title(s): Professor E-Mail: barrylewis@celt.dias.ie Phone: +353 1 6140100 ext 177 Address: School of Celtic Studies, 10 Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland Related links: http://dias.academia.edu/BarryLewis Research Interests Medieval Welsh language and literature; medieval Irish language… Read More

An tOllamh Barry Lewis

  Ainm: Barry James Lewis Teiteal: Professor Uimhir ghutháin: +353 1 6140100 folíne 177 Rphost: barrylewis@celt.dias.ie Seoladh: School of Celtic Studies, 10 Burlington Road Nascanna: http://dias.academia.edu/BarryLewis         Suimeanna taighde: an Bhreatnais agus a litríocht sa… Read More