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2018-02-25, M7.5 Papua New Giunea

On 25th February, 2018, an earthquake measuring magnitude 7.5 occurred at 4a.m local time, in a rural, jungle area of the Southern Highlands in New Guinea, Papaua New Guinea. It wasn’t immediately clear if there was damage. No… Read More

Tuesday 27th February: STP Seminar – “Anomalous Transport”

Title: Anomalous Transport Speaker: Karl Landsteiner (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Abstract: The concept of symmetry is one cornerstone of modern theoretical physics, quantum mechanics is another. Sometimes they are incompatible with each other. These incompatibilities are called anomalies. They constrain possible… Read More

M4.4 South Wales earthquake, 17th February 2018

An earthquake with magnitude 4.4 occurred in South Wales on the 17th February 2018 at 14:31:07.6 UTC. For more details please see this post on the INSN homepage.

M7.2 Mexico earthquake, 16th February 2018

An earthquake with magnitude 7.2 occurred in southern Mexico on the 16th February 2018 at 23:39:39 UTC. For more details please see this post on the INSN homepage.

2018-2-13 – Seminar by Ben Mather (DIAS)

13 February 2018 – Seminar When: 16:00 on Tuesday, 13th February 2018 Where: DIAS, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, (library) Speaker: Ben Mather (DIAS, Dublin, Ireland) Title: Estimating the depth to the Curie isotherm: a synthesis… Read More

Tuesday 13th February: STP Seminar – “An Introduction to Causal Set Theory”

Title: An Introduction to Causal Set Theory Speaker: Dionigi M.T. Benincasa (DIAS) Abstract: Causal set theory is a sum-over-histories approach to quantum gravity, where the histories are discrete spacetimes (called causal sets) defined as locally finite partial orders. Causal sets were… Read More

2018-02-06, M6.4 Taiwan

On 6th February, 2018, an earthquake measuring magnitude 6.4 occurred northeast of Hualien, Taiwan. So far at least seven people have been killed and more than 250 injuries have been reported. Aftershocks continue to occur in Taiwan since… Read More

Tuesday 6th February: STP Seminar – “A Hopf algebra for Feynman diagrams and integral”

Title: A Hopf algebra for Feynman diagrams and integral Speaker: Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin) Abstract: I will present a combinatorial operation on one-loop Feynman diagrams, described by cutting and pinching edges, that corresponds to the Hopf-algebraic coaction on the… Read More

Mon 5 Feb 2018 : 75th Anniversary of Erwin Schrödinger’s ‘What is Life?’ lecture today

Today (05.02.18) marks the 75th anniversary of a lecture in Dublin regarded as one of the most important scientific lectures of all time. On 5th February 1943, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Professor Erwin Schrödinger, then Director of Theoretical Physics… Read More

19-29 June 2018 – DIAS Summer School in High-Energy Astrophysics 2018

The DIAS Summer School on High-Energy Astrophysics 2018 is the second summer school organised by the Centre for Astroparticle Physics and Astrophysics (CAPPA), part of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), and is hosted by Dublin City… Read More