DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

DIAS Research Forum 2018 – Friday 11th May

An inter-disciplinary research forum has been scheduled for Friday 11 May 2018, 3-5pm at Burlington Road. The forum is intended to be an informal event that provides post-doctoral scholars and PhD students with the opportunity to share and… Read More

Tuesday 27th March: STP Seminar – “The Wave Mechanics of Large-scale Structure”

Title: The Wave Mechanics of Large-scale Structure Speaker: Peter Coles (U. Cardiff & NUI Maynooth) Abstract: There has been been a resurgence of interest recently in an idea, originally raised in a seminal paper by Widrow & Kaiser (1993), that the… Read More

DIAS Press Release 21st March 2018 : ARIEL Exoplanet Mission Selected by the European Space Agency

Press Release 21st March 2018 ARIEL Exoplanet Mission Selected by the European Space Agency ARIEL – a mission to answer fundamental questions about how planetary systems form and evolve, of which Prof Tom Ray of Dublin Institute for… Read More

Tuesday 20th March: STP Seminar – “From Hilbert’s 16th Problem to Physics”

Title: From Hilbert’s 16th Problem to Physics Speaker: Charles Nash (NUI Maynooth) Abstract: We shall describe a link between Hilbert’s sixteenth problem (part (i)) concerning real algebraic curves and condensed matter physics. The central result is some work of Kenyon and… Read More

15th March 2018 : Austrian Ambassador to Ireland visits DIAS

DIAS was delighted to host a visit from the Austrian Ambassador, His Excellency Dr. Helmut Freudenschuss on Thursday 15th March. He met with researchers from each of the Schools and reviewed the legacy of former DIAS Professor, Erwin… Read More

8th March : International Women’s Day 2018

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we spoke to some of our female researchers here at DIAS about their careers. See what they had to say below! #IWD2018 #internationalwomensday2018

Tuesday 6th March: STP Seminar – “Quantum Correlations in Space & Time”

Title: Quantum Correlations in Space & Time Speaker: Joe Fitzsimons (Singapore University of Technology and Design) Abstract: In ordinary, non-relativistic, quantum physics, time enters only as a parameter and not as an observable: a state of a physical system is specified… Read More

2018-02-25, M7.5 Papua New Giunea

On 25th February, 2018, an earthquake measuring magnitude 7.5 occurred at 4a.m local time, in a rural, jungle area of the Southern Highlands in New Guinea, Papaua New Guinea. It wasn’t immediately clear if there was damage. No… Read More

Tuesday 27th February: STP Seminar – “Anomalous Transport”

Title: Anomalous Transport Speaker: Karl Landsteiner (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Abstract: The concept of symmetry is one cornerstone of modern theoretical physics, quantum mechanics is another. Sometimes they are incompatible with each other. These incompatibilities are called anomalies. They constrain possible… Read More

M4.4 South Wales earthquake, 17th February 2018

An earthquake with magnitude 4.4 occurred in South Wales on the 17th February 2018 at 14:31:07.6 UTC. For more details please see this post on the INSN homepage.