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2010 Lithospheric Structure and Dynamics of Tibet: Constraints from Shear-Velocity Distribution

LEBEDEV, S., AGIUS, M. R. Lithospheric Structure and Dynamics of Tibet: Constraints from Shear-Velocity Distribution. In: Leech, Mary L., Klemperer, Simon L., and Mooney, Walter D., eds., 2010, Proceedings of the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File… Read More

2010 Shear-Velocity Profiles Across the Tibetan Plateau from Broadband, Surface-Wave, Phase-Velocity Measurements

AGIUS, M. R., LEBEDEV, S. Shear-Velocity Profiles Across the Tibetan Plateau from Broadband, Surface-Wave, Phase-Velocity Measurements. In: Leech, Mary L., Klemperer, Simon L., and Mooney, Walter D., eds., 2010, Proceedings of the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey… Read More

2010 Lithospheric density variations and Moho structure of the Irish Atlantic continental margin from constrained 3-D gravity inversion

WELFORD, Kim J., SHANNON, Patrick M., O’REILLY, Brian M. & HALL, Jeremy. 2010. Lithospheric density variations and Moho structure of the Irish Atlantic continental margin from constrained 3-D gravity inversion. Geophysical Journal International, 183, 79-95, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04735.x.

2011 Lithoshere-asthenosphere interaction beneath Ireland from joint inversion of teleseismic P-wave delay times and GRACE gravity

O’DONNELL, J. P., DALY, E., TIBERI, C. BASTOW, I. D., O’REILLY, B. M., READMAN, P. W. & HAUSER, F. 2011. Lithoshere-asthenosphere interaction beneath Ireland from joint inversion of teleseismic P-wave delay times and GRACE gravity. Geophysical Journal International,… Read More

2010 How the crust meets the mantle: Lithoprobe perspectives on the Mohorovicic discontinuity and crust–mantle transition

COOK, F.A., D.J. WHITE, A.G. JONES, D.W.S. EATON, J. HALL, and R.M. CLOWES, 2010. How the crust meets the mantle: Lithoprobe perspectives on the Mohorovicic discontinuity and crust–mantle transition.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47, 315–351, doi: 10.1139/E09-076.

2010 Europe from the bottom up: A statistical examination of the central and northern European lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary from comparing seismological and electromagnetic observations

JONES, A.G., J. PLOMEROVA, T. KORJA, F. SODOUDI and W. SPAKMAN, 2010. Europe from the bottom up: A statistical examination of the central and northern European lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary from comparing seismological and electromagnetic observations.  Lithos, 120, 14-29.

2010 Conductivity structure and rheological property of Lithosphere in Southern Tibet inferred from super-broadband magnetotelluric sounding

WEI, W., S. JIN, G. YE, M. DENG, J. JING, M. UNSWORTH, and A.G. JONES, 2010. Conductivity structure and rheological property of Lithosphere in Southern Tibet inferred from super-broadband magnetotelluric sounding.  Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,… Read More

2011 Electrical signature of modern and ancient tectonic processes in the crust of the Atlas mountains of Morocco

LEDO, J., A.G. JONES, A. SINISCALCHI, J. CAMPANYÀ, D. KIYAN, G. ROMANO, M. ROUAI and TopoMed MT Team. Electrical signature of modern and ancient tectonic processes in the crust of the Atlas mountains of Morocco. Physics of the… Read More

2011 Joint inversion of long-period magnetotelluric data and surface-wave dispersion curves for anisotropic structure: Application to data from Central Germany

ROUX, E., M. MOORKAMP, A.G. JONES, M. BISCHOFF, B. ENDRUN, S. LEVEDEV, and T. MEIER, 2011. Joint inversion of long-period magnetotelluric data and surface-wave dispersion curves for anisotropic structure: Application to data from Central Germany. Geophys. Res. Lett.,… Read More

2011 The electrical lithosphere beneath the Kaapvaal Craton, Southern Africa

EVANS, R.L., A.G. JONES, X. GARCIA, M. MULLER, M. HAMILTON, S. EVANS, S. FOURIE, J. SPRATT, S. WEBB, H. JELSMA, and D. HUTCHINS. The electrical lithosphere beneath the Kaapvaal Craton, Southern Africa.  Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid… Read More