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2009 Geoelectric structure of the northeastern Williston Basin and underlying Precambrian lithosphere

GOWAN, E.J., I.J. FERGUSON, A.G. JONES and J.A. CRAVAN, 2009. Geoelectric structure of the northeastern Williston Basin and underlying Precambrian lithosphere. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 46, 441-464.

1992 150 Years of Magnetic Observatories: Recent Researches on World Data

MURPHY, T. et al., 1992. 150 Years of Magnetic Observatories: Recent Researches on World Data. Surveys in Geophysics, 13, 47-88.

1988 Palaeomagnetism of Post Glacial Lake Sediments from Skanderborg Sø, Jutland, Denmark

READMAN P.W. and N. ABRAHAMSEN, 1988. Palaeomagnetism of Post Glacial Lake Sediments from Skanderborg Sø, Jutland, Denmark. Physics of the Earth and Plan. Interiors, 52, 177-192.

1979 An Explosion Seismology Investigation of the Continental Margin West of the Hebrides, Scotland, at 58°N

BOTT, M.H.P, A.R. ARMOUR, E.M. HIMSWORTH, T. MURPHY and G. WYLIE, 1979. An Explosion Seismology Investigation of the Continental Margin West of the Hebrides, Scotland, at 58°N. Techtonophysics, 59, 217-231.

1969 Crustal Phase Velocities Observed at the Eskdalemuir Seismic Array

JACOB, A.W.B., 1969. Crustal Phase Velocities Observed at the Eskdalemuir Seismic Array. Geophys J. R. astr. Soc., 18, 189-197.

1960 The Influence of Pressure and Temperature on the Counting of Condensation Nuclei; Part I – Influence of Pressure

POLLAK, L.W. and A.L. METNIEKS, 1960. The Influence of Pressure and Temperature on the Counting of Condensation Nuclei; Part I – Influence of Pressure. (Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Milano, Vol. 47, 1960/III, pp. 123-141).

1958 An Investigation into the Properties of Atmospheric Freezing Nuclei and Sea-salt Nuclei under Maritime Conditions at the West Coast of Ireland

GEORGII, H.W. and A.L. METNIEKS, 1958. An Investigation into the Properties of Atmospheric Freezing Nuclei and Sea-salt Nuclei under Maritime Conditions at the West Coast of Ireland. (Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Milano, Vol. 41, 1958/III, pp. 159-176).

1955 On the Fog Formation in the Photo-electric Counter

MURPHY, T., 1955. On the Fog Formation in the Photo-electric Counter. (Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Condensation Nuclei at Dublin, April 1955; Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Milano, Vol. 31, 1955/II, pp. 26-31).

1949 Indirect Autocorrelation of Searching for Periodicities

POLLAK, L.W., 1949. Indirect Autocorrelation of Searching for Periodicities. (Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dublin, 52 A, 11, 1949, pp. 143-161).

2008 SPICE Benchmark for global tomographic methods

QIN, Y., Y. CAPDEVILLE, V. MAUPIN, J.-P. MONTAGNER, S. LEBEDEV and E. BEUCLER, 2008. SPICE Benchmark for global tomographic methods. Geophysical Journal International, 175, 598-616, 2008.