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1994 Optimization of Wide-angle Seismic Signal-to-Noise Ratios and P-wave Transmission in Kenya

JACOB, A.W.B., R. VEES, L. W. BRAILE and E. CRILEY, 1994. Optimization of Wide-angle Seismic Signal-to-Noise Ratios and P-wave Transmission in Kenya. Tectonophysics, 236, 61-79.

1990 P-wave Anisotropy in the Lower Lithosphere

BEAN, C.J. and A.W.B. JACOB, 1990. P-wave Anisotropy in the Lower Lithosphere. Earth and Plan. Sci. Letters, 99, 56-65.

1985 The North Wales Earthquake of 19 July 1984

TURBITT, T., E.J. BARKER, C.W.A. BROWITT, M. HOWELLS, P.C. MARROW, R.M. W. MUSSON, R.H. NEWMARK, D.W. REDMAYNE, A.B. WALKER, A.W.B. JACOB, E. RYAN and V. WARD, 1985. The North Wales Earthquake of 19 July 1984. J. Geol. Soc…. Read More

1971 Gravity Measurements in the North Irish Sea

BOTT, M.H.P, and D.G.G. YOUNG, 1971. Gravity Measurements in the North Irish Sea. Q. J. of the Geol. Society of London, 126, 413-434.

1962 The Approach to Charge Equilibrium in a Stored Aerosol During Aging

POLLAK, L.W. and A. L. METNIEKS, 1962. The Approach to Charge Equilibrium in a Stored Aerosol During Aging. (Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Vol. 51, 1962/I, pp. 225-236).

1959 New Calibration of Photo-electric Nucleus Counters

POLLAK, L.W. and A. L. METNIEKS, 1959. New Calibration of Photo-electric Nucleus Counters. (Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Milano, Vol. 43, 1959/II, pp. 285-301).

1957 The Formation and Disappearance of Fog in Photo-electric Nucleus Counters

MURPHY, T., 1957. The Formation and Disappearance of Fog in Photo-electric Nucleus Counters. (Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Condensation Nuceli at Basel and Locarno, October 1956; Geofisica Pura e Applicata, Milano, Vol. 35, 1957/I, p. 35-40).

2009 Spectral finite element approach to postseismic deformation in a viscoelastic self-gravitating spherical earth

TANAKA, Y., KLEMANN, V., FLEMING, K. and MARTINEC, Z., 2009. Spectral finite element approach to postseismic deformation in a viscoelastic self-gravitating spherical earth. Geophys. J. Int., 176, 715–739, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.04015.x.

2008 Stratified seismic anisotropy reveals past and present deformation beneath the East-central United States

DESCHAMPS, F., S. LEBEDEV, T. MEIER, J. TRAMPERT, 2008. Stratified seismic anisotropy reveals past and present deformation beneath the East-central United States. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 274, 489-498, 2008.

2007 The geometry of the Iapetus suture zone in central Ireland deduced from a magnetotelluric study

RAO, C.K., A.G. JONES, and M. MOORKAMP, 2007. The geometry of the Iapetus suture zone in central Ireland deduced from a magnetotelluric study. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 161, 134-141. Summary