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Yoneyama, H.

Yoneyama, H. 1984-86 Scholar Born 1953 Kagoshima, Japan. Ph.D. 1981 Kyushu. Appointments: Assistant, Saga University 1988-91; Associate Prof., Saga University 1991-. Memberships: Physical Society of Japan. Address: Department of Physics, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Saga University, Saga… Read More

Ando, F.

Ando, F. 1967-69 Scholar Born 1930 Tokyo, Japan. Ph. D. 1966 Brown University. Appointments: Research Assistant, Brown University 1958-63; Assistant Prof., Virginia Polytechnic 1963-67. Memberships: American Physical Society; Physical Society of Japan; Sigma Xi.

Bork, A.

Bork, A. 1951-52 Scholar Brown University, Providence 12, Rhode Island 02912, U.S.A.

Copperstock, F.I.

Copperstock, F.I. 1966-67 Scholar Born 1940 Winnipeg, Canada. Ph.D. 1966 Brown Univ., Canada. Appointments: Assist. Prof., Victoria 1967-72; Assoc. Prof., Victoria 1972-78; Canada-France Scientific Exchange, IHP, Paris 1973-74, 1980-81; Prof., Victoria 1978-. Memberships: American Physical Society; Assoc. of… Read More

Duffield, N.G.

Duffield, N.G. 1989-91 Scholar Born U.K. Ph.D. 1987 London. Appointments: Research Assistant, UCD 1986-88; Royal Society Fellow, Heidelberg 1988-89; Research Fellow, DCU 1991-93; Assistant Lect., DCU 1993-95; AT&T Labs 1995-. Address: AT&T Bell Labs., 180 Park Av., Room… Read More

Gallivan, J.

Gallivan, J. 1962-63 Scholar Born 1941 Co. Dublin, Ireland. B.Sc. 1961 NUI. Address: Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, Sussex BN1 9RH.

Henneberger, W.

Henneberger, W. 1962-63 Scholar Born 1930 Illinois, U.S.A. Dr. rer. nat. 1959 Gottingen. Appointments: Research Associate, Notre Dame 1959-60; Assistant Prof., Fordham University 1960-62. Address: Department of Physics, Fordham University, New York 58, New York, U.S.A.

Jones, R. LL.

Jones, R. LL. 1969-70 Scholar Born 1943 Belfast, N. Ireland. Ph.D. 1971 T.C.D. Dublin. Appointments: Vice-Preident R.+D. CP Software Group, Canberra. Memberships: Association of Computing Machinery; Australian Computer Society. Address: CP Software Group InTEXT Division, P.O. Box 7126,… Read More

Lyberg, I.

Lyberg, I. 2009-2013 Schroedinger Fellow Born 1978, Gaevle, Sweden. Ph.D. 2007 Stony Brook University, USA. Appointments: Post-Doctoral Scholarship, UC Louvain, 2007-2009.Address: School of Theoretical Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 10 Burlington Road, Dublin 4 E-mail: ilyberg_at_stp.dias.ie

McMullan, D.

McMullan, D. 1991-93 Scholar Born 1958 Hayes, England. Ph.D. 1984 London. Appointments: Lect., Plymouth 93-. Address: School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA, U.K. E-mail: d.mcmullan_at_plymouth.ac.uk