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Takahashi, Y.

Takahashi, Y. 1957 Scholar; 1958-59 Assistant Professor; 1960 Professor Born 1924 Osaka, Japan. D.Sc. 1954 Nagoya, Japan. Appointments: Prof., Alberta 1968-92; Emeritus Prof., Alberta, 1992-.Memberships: Royal Irish Academy. Honours: Fellow, American Physical Society; Fellow, Royal Society of Canada…. Read More

Walshe, Rev. P.

Walshe, Rev. P. 1943-46 Scholar Dottore In Scienze Matematische 1942 Rome. D.Phil 1943.

Zorski, H.S.

Zorski, H.S. 1959-60 Scholar Born 1927 Czestochowa, Poland. Ph.D. 1955 Poland; D.Sc. 1962 Poland. Appointments: Prof., Polish Academy of Sciences 1962-.Memberships: Vice-President, International Society for Interaction between Mechanics and Mathematics 1991-; Accademia delle Scienze, Bologna 1978-; Polish Academy… Read More

Bal, S.

Bal, S. 2006-2009 IRCSET Fellow Born 1970 Kolkata, India. Ph. D. 2002, Chennai, India Appointments: JSPS Post-doctoral Fellow, Kyoto University 2002-2004; Post-doctoral Fellow, RIKEN, Wako, Japan 2004-2005; Post-doctoral Fellow, National Taiwan University 2005. Address: RMSI Private Limited, A-7,… Read More

Brdicka, M.

Brdicka, M. 1948-49 Scholar Born 1913 Dvur Kralove n/L, Czechoslovakia. RN Dr. 1946 Prague. Lect., Department of Physics, University of Prague, Prague, Czechoslavakia 1954-.

Costa, G.A.T.F. da

Costa, G.A.T.F. da 1991-95 Scholar Born 1957 Brazil. Ph.D. 1988 IFT. Appointments: Visiting Scholar & Visiting Prof., Ann Arbor 1988-91. Memberships: American Mathematical Society

Efinger, H.

Efinger, H. 1967-68 Scholar Born 1940 Salzburg, Austria. Ph.D. 1962 Vienna. Appointments: Graduate Student, Vienna 1961-63; Research Associate, Siemens & Halske Lab., Munich 1963-65; Assistant Prof., Department of Physics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30601, U.S.A. 1966-.

Gardner, J.W.

Gardner, J.W. 50-51 Scholar Born Clacton, England. D.Sc. London; Ph.D. 1949 Birmingham. Appointments: Research Fellowships, AECL Chalk River 1951-54; Lect., Sydney 1954-56; Senior Physicist, English Electric, Whestone, 1956-. Address: Whetstone, Leicester, England.

Hittmair, O.H.

Hittmair, O.H. 1951 Scholar Born 1924 Innsbruck, Austria; Dr. Phil 1949 Innsbruck; D oz. 1953 Innsbruck. Appointments: Prof. Tech. U. Vienna 1960-92; Dean, Tech. U. Vienna 1968-69; Rector, Tech. U. Vienna 1977-79; Emer. Prof., Tech. U. Vienna 1992-…. Read More

Kamber, F.

Kamber, F. 1964 Scholar Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, U.S.A.