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Huggard, M.

Huggard, M. 1994-1999 Graduate Student Born 1971 Dublin, Ireland. B. Sc. 1994 TCD.Appointments: Lecturer DCU 1999-2000; Lecturer TCD 2000- Address : Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. E-mail: huggardm_at_cs.tcd.ie

Lanczos, C.

Lanczos, C. 1952-53 Visiting Professor; 1954-68 Professor; 1968-74 Emeritus Professor Born 1893 Szekesfesherver, Hungary. Ph.D. 1921 Szeged. Appointments: Lect., Freiburg 1921-24; Lect., Frankfurt 1924-31; Prof., Purdue 1931-46. Senior Engineer, Boeing Company, Seattle 1946-49; Mathematician, National Bureau of Standards,… Read More

McCrea, Rev. J.

McCrea, Rev. J. 1964-66 Scholar Born 1934 Athlone, Ireland. First Licence Exam, 1964 Leuven. Appointments: Lect.,UCD -93. Died 1993.

Murray, S.

Murray, S. 2004-2007 Predoctoral Fellow Born 1981, Sligo, Ireland. Ph.D. 2008 NUIM Maynooth. Appointments: Post-Doctoral Fellow, UC Louvain, 2007-.Honours: Hamilton medal 2006.Address: Centre for Particle Physics Phenomenology (CP3), Institut de Physique Nucl

Ortiz, E.L.

Ortiz, E.L. 1961-63 Scholar Born 1931 Buenos Aires, Argentina. D.Math.Sc. 1961 Buenos Aires. Appointments: Lect., Imperial College 1963-64; Prof., Buenos Aires 1964-66; Prof., National University, Lima 1966-68; Lect., Imperial College 1968-72; Head, Numerical Maths. Sect., Imperial College, 1972-85;… Read More

Prince, G.E.

Prince, G.E. – 1982-83 (Scholar) Born: 1953 – Sydney, Australia. Ph.D: 1981 La Trobe. Appointments: Lect., RMIT 1984; Lect., La Trobe 1985-89; Senior Lect., La Trobe 1989-. Memberships: Australian Mathematical Society; American Mathematical Society; Society for General Relativity… Read More

Ryan, Rev. C.

Ryan, Rev. C. 1959-62 Scholar Born 1934 Athlone, Ireland. Ph. D. 1962 NUI. Appointments: Assistant Prof., University of Rochester; College Lect., University College Dublin; Researcher, CERN. Died 1973.

Sreedhar, V.V

Sreedhar, V.V. 1996-2001 Scholar Born 1965 Vijayawada, India. Ph.D. 1993 Calcutta, India. Appointments : Postdoctoral Fellow, Uppsala 1993-95; Postdoctoral Fellow, Calcutta 1995-96; Assistant Prof., Indian Institute of Technology, Janpur, India 2001-2006; Associate Prof., Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India… Read More

Tuite, M.P.

Tuite, M.P. 1987-90 Scholar Born 1958 Dublin, Ireland. Ph.D. 1984 Cambridge. Appointments: Lect., Univ. College, Galway 1990-. Address: Department of Mathematics, University College Galway, Ireland. E-mail: mphtuite_at_bodkin.ucg.ie

Wong, M.

Wong, M. 1964-65 Scholar Born 1932 Shanghai, China. Ph.D. 1964 Birmingham.