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Zorski, H.S.

Zorski, H.S. 1959-60 Scholar Born 1927 Czestochowa, Poland. Ph.D. 1955 Poland; D.Sc. 1962 Poland. Appointments: Prof., Polish Academy of Sciences 1962-.Memberships: Vice-President, International Society for Interaction between Mechanics and Mathematics 1991-; Accademia delle Scienze, Bologna 1978-; Polish Academy… Read More

Bal, S.

Bal, S. 2006-2009 IRCSET Fellow Born 1970 Kolkata, India. Ph. D. 2002, Chennai, India Appointments: JSPS Post-doctoral Fellow, Kyoto University 2002-2004; Post-doctoral Fellow, RIKEN, Wako, Japan 2004-2005; Post-doctoral Fellow, National Taiwan University 2005. Address: RMSI Private Limited, A-7,… Read More

Brdicka, M.

Brdicka, M. 1948-49 Scholar Born 1913 Dvur Kralove n/L, Czechoslovakia. RN Dr. 1946 Prague. Lect., Department of Physics, University of Prague, Prague, Czechoslavakia 1954-.

Costa, G.A.T.F. da

Costa, G.A.T.F. da 1991-95 Scholar Born 1957 Brazil. Ph.D. 1988 IFT. Appointments: Visiting Scholar & Visiting Prof., Ann Arbor 1988-91. Memberships: American Mathematical Society

Efinger, H.

Efinger, H. 1967-68 Scholar Born 1940 Salzburg, Austria. Ph.D. 1962 Vienna. Appointments: Graduate Student, Vienna 1961-63; Research Associate, Siemens & Halske Lab., Munich 1963-65; Assistant Prof., Department of Physics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30601, U.S.A. 1966-.

Gardner, J.W.

Gardner, J.W. 50-51 Scholar Born Clacton, England. D.Sc. London; Ph.D. 1949 Birmingham. Appointments: Research Fellowships, AECL Chalk River 1951-54; Lect., Sydney 1954-56; Senior Physicist, English Electric, Whestone, 1956-. Address: Whetstone, Leicester, England.

Hittmair, O.H.

Hittmair, O.H. 1951 Scholar Born 1924 Innsbruck, Austria; Dr. Phil 1949 Innsbruck; D oz. 1953 Innsbruck. Appointments: Prof. Tech. U. Vienna 1960-92; Dean, Tech. U. Vienna 1968-69; Rector, Tech. U. Vienna 1977-79; Emer. Prof., Tech. U. Vienna 1992-…. Read More

Kamber, F.

Kamber, F. 1964 Scholar Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, U.S.A.

Magro, M.

Magro, M. 1997 Scholar Born 1970 Le Puy en Velay, France. Ph.D. 1996 Lyon, France. Appointments: Assistant Prof., ENS Lyon 1998-.Address: ENSLAPP Lyon, 46 Allee d’Italie, 69364 Lyon, Cedex 07, France. E-mail: marc.magro_at_ens-lyon.fr

Messel, H.

Messel, H. 1949-51 Scholar Born 1922 Manitoba, Canada. Ph.D. 1951 N.U.I. Appointments: Queen’s Univ., Kingston, Ontario 1946-48; Overseas Exchange Fellow, St. Andrew’s Univ., Scotland 1948-49; Sen. Lect., Adelaide 1951-52; Prof., Sydney 1952-87; Chancellor, Bond Univ., Queensland 1992-; Executive… Read More