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Nahm, W.

Nahm, W.2002- Senior Professor Born 1949 Münster (Selters), Germany. Ph.D. 1972, University of Bonn.

Papapetrou, A.

Papapetrou, A. 1946-48 Scholar Born 1907 Serrai, Greece. Dipl. Ing., Dr. Rer. Techn. Appointments: Prof., Technical University, Athens 1940-46; Research Fellow, Manchester 1948-52; Prof., Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1952-; Prof. Humboldt University 1957-.

Raggio, G.A.

Raggio, G.A. 1986 Scholar; 1987-89 Assistant Professor Born 1951 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dr. Sc. Nat. 1981 ETH. Appointments: Prof., Cordoba 1989-. Memberships: American Physical Society; American Mathematical Society.Address: Facultad de Matematica, Astronomia y Fisica, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba,… Read More

Saemann, C.

Saemann, C. 2006-2007 Hamilton Scholar; 2007-2008 IRCSET Fellow Born 1977, Fulda, Germany. Ph.D. 2006 University of Hannover. Appointments: Postdoctoral Scholar, TCD, 2008-. Address: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2. E-mail: saemann_at_maths.tcd.ie

Strathdee, J.

Strathdee, J. 1957-59 Scholar Born 1936 San Francisco, U.S.A. B.Sc.1956 McGill University. Appointments: International Centre for Theo. Physics, Trieste, Italy.

Vachovski, M.

Vachovski, M.2009-2014 Predoctoral Scholar Born 1985 Sofia, Bulgaria. B.Sc. 2008 Sofia. Address: School of Theoretical Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 10 Burlington Road, Dublin 4. E-mail: mvachovski_at_stp.dias.ie

Yeh, H.

Yeh, H. 1963-65 Scholar Born 1930 Formosa, China. Ph.D. 1960 North Carolina.

Acharya, R.

Acharya, R. 1972-74 Assistant Professor Born 1935 Madras, India. Ph. D. 1962 Rochester. Appointments: Assistant Prof., Northeastern University, Boston 1962-64; Fellow, Tata Institute, Bombay 1964-66; Assistant Prof., Beirut 1966-68; Guest Prof., Bern 1968-70; Nordita Visiting Prof., Goteborg 1970;… Read More

Bertotti, B.

Bertotti, B. 1953-56 Scholar Born 1930 Mantova, Italy. Laurea in Mathematics 1953 Pavia; Laurea in Physics 1954 Pavia. Appointments: Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 1958-59; Senior Researcher, Plasma Physics Lab., Princeton 1959-61; Senior Researcher, Frascati 1961-67; Prof.,… Read More

Coffey, W.T.

Coffey, W.T. 1974-75 Scholar Born 1948 Co. Waterford, Ireland. Ph.D. 1975 Dublin. Appointments: Research Fellow, Salford 1975-77; Lect., Dublin 1977-85; Associate Prof., Dublin 1985-. Memberships: C. Eng. M.I.E.E. Address: School of Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland.