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2015-01 – The intrinsic curvature of thermodynamic potentials for black holes with critical points

DIAS-STP-15-01 The intrinsic curvature of thermodynamic potentials for black holes with critical points B.P. Dolan This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format   Details provided: Date of publication :… Read More

2015-04 – Multi-particle content of Majorana zero-modes in the interacting p-wave wire

DIAS-STP-15-04 Multi-particle content of Majorana zero-modes in the interacting p-wave wire G. Kells This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format   Details provided: Date of publication : 10/08/15  … Read More

2014-10 – Many-body Majorana operators and the equivalence of parity sectors

DIAS-STP-14-10 Many-body Majorana operators and the equivalence of parity sectors G. Kells This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format   Details provided: Date of publication : 31/10/14   To… Read More

2015-03 – Chaotic strings in a near Penrose limit of AdS5×T1,1

DIAS-STP-15-03 Chaotic strings in a near Penrose limit of AdS5×T1,1 Y. Asano, D. Kawai, H. Kyono and K. Yoshida This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format   Details provided:… Read More

2015-09 – The BFSS model on the lattice

DIAS-STP-15-09 The BFSS model on the lattice V. Filev and D. O’Connor This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format   Details provided: Date of publication : 10/08/15   To… Read More

2015-08 – Higgs- and Skyrme-Chern-Simons densities in all dimensions

DIAS-STP-15-08 Higgs- and Skyrme-Chern-Simons densities in all dimensions    D. H. Tchrakian This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format   Details provided: Date of publication : 20/05/15   To… Read More

2015-07 – Einstein’s cosmology review of 1933: a new perspective on the Einstein-de Sitter model of the cosmos

DIAS-STP-15-07 Einstein’s cosmology review of 1933: a new perspective on the Einstein-de Sitter model of the cosmos  C. O’Raifeartaigh, M. O’Keeffe, W. Nahm and S. Mitton This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download… Read More

2015-05 – On membrane interactions and a three-dimensional analog of Riemann surfaces

DIAS-STP-15-05 On membrane interactions and a three-dimensional analog of Riemann surfaces S. Kovacs, Y. Sato and H. Shimada This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format   Details provided: Date… Read More

2014-11 – Multiple backreacted flavour branes

DIAS-STP-14-11 Multiple backreacted flavour branes Veselin G. Filev and Dimitrios Zoakos This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format   Details provided: Date of publication : 10/10/14   To obtain… Read More

2014-12 – A rigorous proof of the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem in the semiclassical limit

DIAS-STP-14-12 A rigorous proof of the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem in the semiclassical limit Baptiste Savoie This preprint is available on Arxiv.org This preprint is available for download : Portable Document Format   Details provided: Date of publication :… Read More