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Wednesday 29th May : STP Seminar – Microscopic description of Schwarzschild black hole from quantum field theory

Title: Microscopic description of Schwarzschild black hole from quantum field theory Speaker: Dr. Masanori Hanada (University of Southampton/Keio University) Abstract: The gauge/gravity duality relates black hole and QFT. In particular, the ‘small black hole’ in AdS5*S5, which is essentially… Read More

Tuesday 28th May : STP Seminar – Torsion and spin in holographic Lovelock Chern-Simons gravity

Title: Torsion and spin in holographic Lovelock Chern-Simons gravity Speaker: Gallegos Pazos (University of Utrecht) Abstract: The use of holography in the study of strongly coupled systems with a non-trivial spin current will be discussed. The incorporation of… Read More

STP Statutory Public Lecture: 23 May 2019 – Prof Don Zagier

Speaker: Prof Don Zagier (Max Planck Institute, Bonn)
Title: Numbers, Knots, & Quantum Theory

Thursday 16th May : STP Seminar – Morse theory & the moduli space of flat connections

Title: Morse theory & the moduli space of flat connections Speaker: Prof. Paul Feehan (Rutgers, New Jersey) Abstract: We shall discuss a variety of results related to Morse (or Morse-Bott) theory for the Yang-Mills energy function on a… Read More

Thursday 9th May : STP Seminar – Edge modes in the Sierpinski Harper Hofstadter Butterfly Fractal

Title: Edge modes in the Sierpinski Harper Hofstadter Butterfly Fractal Speaker: Mikael Fremling (University of Utrecht) Abstract: We study the edge modes of the Sierpinski carpet at finite magnetic fields and characterise the transition from a Hofstadter spectrum… Read More

Thursday 2nd May 11am: Topological superconductivity in conventional Josephson junctions

Speaker: Falko Pientka (Max Planck, Dresden) Title: Topological superconductivity in conventional Josephson junctions Time: Thursday 2 May 2019, 11.00 am Abstract: Experimental studies of superconductors in low-dimensions and with interesting spin structure have become possible by engineering mesoscopic… Read More

Thursday 11th April: STP Seminar – Topology of quantum systems out of equilibrium

Title: Topology of quantum systems out of equilibrium Speaker: Max McGinley (University of Cambridge) Abstract: Topological phases of matter have attracted a huge amount of interest in recent years, thanks largely to the discovery of topological insulators in… Read More

Monday 1st April: STP Seminar – Gauge ambiguities imply Jaynes-Cummings physics remains valid in ultrastrong coupling QED

Title: Gauge ambiguities imply Jaynes-Cummings physics remains valid in ultrastrong coupling QED Speaker: Dr. Adam Stokes (University of Manchester) Abstract: In quantum electrodynamics (QED) each choice of gauge provides different physical definitions of light and matter as quantum… Read More

Tuesday 19th March: STP Seminar – Heat transfer from topologically protected dynamics of Majorana zero modes

Title: Heat transfer from topologically protected dynamics of Majorana zero modes Speaker: Dr. Alessandro Romito (Lancaster University) Abstract:Quantum systems can have degenerate ground states protected against local fluctuations with exponential accuracy in the system size due to topology… Read More

Thursday 14th March: STP Seminar – “The electroweak monopole: the theory behind it, properties and its relevance in cosmology “

Title: The electroweak monopole: the theory behind it, properties and its relevance in cosmology Speaker: Professor Yongmin Cho (Sogang University, Korea) Abstract: The electroweak monopole in the standard model, the existence, characteristic features, cosmological production, and physical implications… Read More