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2020-01-29, 15:00: Mr. J. Waters (University of Southampton)

Mr. James Waters University of Southampton, UK Multi-decadal observations of auroral kilometric radiation with the Wind spacecraft and its variability during substorms Abstract : Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) is circularly-polarised radio emission that originates from particle acceleration regions… Read More

2019-13 – Horizon Molecules in Causal Set Theory

Author(s): C. Barton, A. Counsell, F. Dowker, D. S. W. Gould, I. Jubb & G. Taylor

2020-01-15, 15:00: Prof. M. Filipovic (Western Sydney University)

Prof. Miroslav Filipovic Western Sydney University, Australia The future certain: Supernova Remnants in the multi-messenger era Abstract : This is an exciting time for the discovery of high energy objects such as for example supernova remnants (SNRs). Especially… Read More

Prof Caitriona Jackman

Name: Caitriona Jackman Title: Senior Professor Head, Planetary Magnetospheres Research Group Email: cjackman@cp.dias.ie Address: School of Cosmic Physics, DIAS Dunsink Observatory, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin 15, Ireland. Research interests: Planetary magnetospheres, magnetic reconnection, planetary X-ray and… Read More

Call for papers. Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts: Texts, Scribes, and Patrons

The aim of this conference is to bring together scholars working on medieval bilingual or multilingual sources from a variety of linguistic backgrounds, geographical areas, and literary genres. Proposals of 200-300 words may be submitted at conference@celt.dias.ie before… Read More

M5.6 Pakistan Earthquake

On September 24, 2019 at 16:01 local time a magnitude 5.6 earthquake occurred close to New Mirpir in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. More details can be found on the INSN website.

New revelations from the archives of a Dutch Celticist

Anton Gerard van Hamel: New revelations from the archives of a Dutch Celticist Anton Gerard van Hamel: New revelations from the archives of a Dutch Celticist Bart Jaski (Utrecht University) and Nike Stam (DIAS) Thursday 17th October, 4.30pm… Read More

First Irish scientist elected as Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)

An Irish scientist has been elected as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) – the world’s largest earth and space science society – for the first time. Senior Professor Emeritus at the Dublin Institute for Advanced… Read More

Physical Review B

Access: 1970 – Current Year

Dr. Stefan Adams

Affiliation: University of Warwick
Visiting Dates: 22 – 26 July 2019